CHAPTER | 11 |

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THE FOLLOWING NIGHT, the two men in suits sat in the same place at the bar mumbling amongst themselves. The bald one had a cast on with one of his eyes swollen shut. Alonzo seemed to also be on edge, his gaze constantly drifting towards the entrance. He ran his hand through his hair, frustrated.

"Should I close the club?" He said to no one while pouring himself a drink.

"I'm going to the back," I told him also feeling nervous for some reason. My backpack was in my locker, ready for me to leave and I had given my letter of resignation to Alonzo in the morning. He didn't ask any questions, simply nodding.

As I walked down the hallway, an arm wrapped itself around me and dragged me into the storage room. I opened my mouth to scream but a hand covered my mouth. The door clicked shut and I began kicking the culprit blindly, unable to see from the lack of light. The person grunted then the lights were on and Ghost stood in front of me unimpressed.

"I know you're not this weak, angel," he commented, removing his hand from my face but keeping his arm tight around my waist so I was flushed against him.

"Could you not have tapped me on the shoulder? Why do you take everything a step further?" I hissed.

"It makes things interesting. You've been a bad girl, angel and you've p*ssed me off."

"You don't seem mad," I answered back as he leaned closer. "Was it my message from yesterday?"

"There was nothing in your shower if you were wondering," he murmured, lips now against my jaw. "But no. You're interfering with my work. I was supposed to shoot that guy but you were watching so I had to settle for breaking his arm."

"I'm sorry that you couldn't kill him," I replied sarcastically. He gently bit my neck, making me jump.

"Don't be sarcastic with me, angel. He's going to die today. All you did was change the date."

I paused. "What?"

"I told them to bring Clayton and they didn't because they're trying to f*ck with me. Unfortunately for them, I found out he's in some abandoned warehouse."

"...An ambush at the warehouse would work."

My eyes widened and I clutched his shirt, trying to distract him from kissing my neck. "It's a trap. They said they're going to ambush you there," I warned him, hitting his shoulders.

He groaned but finally stepped away from me, folding his arms. "I know. The whole thing has been a trap because they have something I want."

"The USB?"

"You know an awful lot, angel."

"I heard it from your friends yesterday."

"Naughty girl," he said smirking making me roll my eyes in response.

"I know you want to but don't kill them. I could take them in and-"

"Question them? They're not going to speak nor do they know enough to give you information."

"So why kill them?" I huffed.

"It sends a clear message and gives me time to get to the warehouse."

I grabbed his arm. "You can't go there alone. You shouldn't go there at all. Do you even know how many people are there waiting for you?"

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