What If I Can't Forget You?

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I ran and ran, Mike was running after me apologizing for what he had done.

I didn't listen, I just ran. I wanted to see Tony.

Mike soon gave up and turned the other way, which gave me a sigh of relief. I walked the rest of the way to his house, thinking of how to tell Tony. Will he be mad? Will he be sad at what had happened? I'll just have to see. I walked up the steps leading to his front door, I knocked a couple times. The door swung open. Tony stood there with a huge smile on his face, I knew I wouldn't see that smile for a long time after I explain everything.

"Hey Hannah." He said as he motioned me to come in.

"Hey Tony.." I said anxiously.

We both went up to his room since his mom was home.

He shut the door behind him. I immediately sat on his bed and just looked down. He could tell I was holding in something.

"Hannah, what's wrong?" He said as he sat next to me.

"Tony.." I began "There's something I need to tell you.."

His smile soon faded away..and tears soon formed in my eyes.

"Mhm.." He said.

"Well, ever since we've been together.. Mike has been texting me how wrong he was.. I didn't believe him. He kept telling me all these lies about what went wrong..and today, I met up with Mike at the gym, I agreed because I wanted to know why he did that. He told me yet again more lies. I told him out, but then, he...he kissed me, Tony. I couldn't escape from him since he had a grip on my arms. But I eventually managed to run away and come here..." I soon began to cry harder and harder after I said this.

"You're telling me that you met up with Mike? And then he kisses you?" He soon stood up and paced back and forth.

"Please Tony, don't be mad.." I pleaded.

He saw how much in pain I was and rushed to my side. He wiped my tears away and kissed me on my cheek.

"Mad at you? No. Mad at Mike? Hell yeah."

I cried on his shoulder until I had no tears left in me. As soon as I stopped crying, I stood up and told Tony that I had to settle some things between me and Mike. But Tony did not allow me to. He was probably right, seeing Mike would break my heart all over again.

I check my phone just to see what time it was, only to realize that I had 10 text messages and 3 missed calls from Mike.

"Shit." I mumbled to my self.

And of course, Tony heard me.

"What's wrong now babe?" He questioned. I laid down on his bed and closed me eyes.

"It's mike." I said as I handed Tony my phone.

"Again?!" He said in frustration.

I motioned him to give me back my phone. I didn't want Tony to get even more angry with Mike.

I didn't even bother to open his messages, I just deleted them. I know Mike would tell me how "sorry" he was and how he still "loved" me.

A part of me believes him..and another part of me doesn't.

Why does this have to happen?

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