What If I Can't Forget You? -ENDING PART 2-

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-Minutes Later-

Arriving at the hospital happened to be the most depressing moment in my life. They rushed Tony to the ER where they would then revive him. I sat in the waiting room, trying to control my crying, but I just couldn't. I had the courage to get my phone and text the devil himself, Jason.

"Happy Now? Are you happy now?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

"Oh, THAT."

"Never mind, I don't want to waste my own time on you. Screw off and never talk to me again."

He no longer existed in my life at that moment.

I sat there, playing around with the ring Tony had given me. I smiled. I don't want to lose Tony. Not now not never.

"Uhm..Ms. Hannah?"

I instantly stood up and answered.

"Yes, come this way.."

The nurse had led me into a cold, bright room. Once I stepped in, I saw Tony attacked to many machines, the sight of this made me cry.

"He will be okay, but for now, he needs all the help he can get. I'm sorry Miss but, he did slip into a coma due to the lack of oxygen in his body." .

"Oh god no.." I said as I fell on my knees.

"The doctor will be here soon.."

I wiped my tears away and walked slowly up to Tony & slid a chair next to him.

I took his hand and stared at him.

"Without you, I feel broke.

Like I'm half of a whole..." I started to sing softly to him.

"Without you, I've got no hand to hold."

I struggled to sing the words out, but for Tony, I'd do anything.

"Without you, I feel torn.

Like a sail in a storm.

Without you, I'm just a sad song.

I'm just a sad song.."

The last lyrics had struck me and I couldn't help but have an emotional breakdown.

Tony was the missing piece in my heart, and now..he is in a coma.

I prayed for a miracle, hoping that Tony could just wake up and hug me and kiss me and tell me that this whole thing never happened.

I sat there, waiting. As usually, the Doctor never came by.

I have cried to the point where I had fallen asleep for god knows how long.

-6 Hours Later-

My dreams consisted of happy endings. It consisted of happiness and love. Me and Tony had graduated together, then got married soon after. In my dreams, i never stopped smiling or laughing, & neither did Tony.

My dreams were interrupted to the feelings of someone squeezing my hand. I jumped only to see that me and tony were the only ones in the room.

"No, it couldn't be.." I said to myself.

I was still holding Tony's hand throughout the time I was sleeping.

There it goes again! Someone had squeezed my hand again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Tony fidget.

I was in shock to call for the doctor.

"D-d-DOCTOR!!!" I finally screamed.

"HE'S MOVING!" I said in tears.

"Hmm..Tony, if you could hear me, squeeze Hannah's hand." Yes! He did exactly what the doctor had said.

"Tony.." I whispered.

His eyes were very slowly starting to open.

"Looks like we have a miracle happening!" The doctor says happily.

I cried and pushed back Tony's hair.

"Tony..can you say something.." I whispered.

"H-hannah" he said, struggling to speak.

"Yes!" I cried.

His eyes were wide open at this point. I stood there looking into them, smiling, crying.

"Hannah..i-i-I love you."

"I love you too Tony." I said as I wiped away a tear from his face.

"I missed you.." He said smiling.

"I thought you were gone.."

"Hannah..as long as you're here on earth, i will never leave." He whispered.



It was at that point where I started loving Tony more and more each day.

He had major head trauma due to the incident with Jason (and honestly, I still don't know what happened and I don't ever want to know). He also had a few broken ribs but they would repair at their own pace. Our friends came in to Visit Tony after I spoke to them. Mike gave us the news that he had met someone who he believes is the one.

Annie and Jaime finally had the guts to admit their love for each other and are now dating. Sarah remains the same old self which is amazing, no one could ever change her. As for Vic, he told us that he had too found someone who he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

Last but not least, me and Tony.

Well, you already know.

-Well, that was the end of "What If I Can't Forget You?"! I wanted to end this story because i thought having more than 40 chapters would have been too much for just this one fan fic.

Yes, I do plan on making a sequel about the interesting lives of these 7 amazing people.

Thanks for reading <3 I'll start writing the sequel ASAP.-

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