Chloe's POV
Last i remember is Zoey being dragged away and the sound of a gun going off... and the color red and pain that was unimaginable. Im stuck in the black abyss and all i can hear is screams of pain... am I in Hades' realm itself or is there it in me, my own personal Hades' realm where all is hear is pain but can not help.
Suddenly I hear someone say," Xypní̱ste Chlói̱ , o chrónos tou na páei píso̱ sto vasíleio ti̱s zo̱í̱s kai akrivó̱s étsi xérete , i̱ adelfí̱ sas, kai Leigh den eínai treloí . Vlépete ti eínai pragmatikó , allá den échoume dei kai na akoúsei ti eínai pragmatikó , allá akoúgetai apó pollá átoma . O̱ nai to ónomá mou eínai o Ádi̱s kai í̱tan o̱raío apó esás na thymáste sfaíra mou."("Wake up Chloe, its time to go back to the realm of the living and just so you know you, your sister, and Leigh are not crazy. You see what is real but not seen and hear what is real but unheard by alot of people. Oh yeah my name is Hades and it was nice of you to remember my realm.'')
He said it with such familiarity and love, it was like we've known each other for years. I come back to my body only to find the most painful thing... Element laying on the floor bleeding the blood i wish had not been spilled, the innocent blood that saved me all my life.
I couldn't do anything i want in to a state of shock. I couldn't even hear Zoey yelling for me to look at her or of Leigh's tears at the sight.
I just sat there rocking back and forth till i heard Element say, "I told you I will always save you and it wont ever change, I could never leave my body if i knew you were in danger." Then he broke out his half smile and stood up stopping Zoeys yelling.
"You're alive i thought i lost you and it was so painful!" I screamed to him not even caring the guards were here and watching this on fold in a matter of seconds. He walked over to me and captured me in a hug.
"How did you survive you were hit in the chest with a bullet?" Zoey asked.
"I'm not totally human and mortal things only stun me." he said dead serious.
Im sorry that its short and I used Google Translate to do the part in Greek Im sorry if its not correct and I hope you have a wonder day.