The Lost Get Found

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Zoey's POV

I am running. That is all I know. I run as fast as I can, my heart is and blood being all I can hear. I round a corner and see him. Gordon.

"Why, hello there, Zoey. So very glad to see you," he says with fake happiness.

"Cut the crap, douche bag," I spit. "Where the hell is my sister?"

He laughs and shakes his head, brushing his white lab coat. "You never changed, I see."

"I changed. A lot."

"Oh have you? You're so predictable."

"What are you talking about?"

I hear a scream from behind me. A guy holds a knife to Leigh-Anne's throat.

"Eragon and Element can't get in here," Gordon says proudly. "Our friend provided us with that magic."

I am dragged into a black room and I fall onto the ground. Leigh lands next to me.

"Good luck finding a way out of here," Gordon spits. He slams the door. I move over to Leigh.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. You?"


"I can't fucking believe Gordon's here."

"Whoa, Leigh. Easy on the language."

"He did awful things to me in The Institute."

I hear a groan from behind us. We both turn around. It is dark, but we both can see. Being awesome and all. I see my sister, tied to a metal pole . . . with only one leg. Her wings lay limp at her sides and she's crying. My heart constricts and I scramble over to her with Leigh hot on my heels. I carefully tap Chloe so she's looking at me.

"I'm here, Chloe."

"No!" she screams "this is a trap!"

"We were tossed in here with you. Element and Eragon can't get to us," I say.

"You aren't real."

"Yes we are, Chloe. I'm Leigh-Anne and this is your twin Zoey. Come on, look up."

She looks up at us, tears going down her bloody face. "They aren't going to let me live."

"They aren't gon' have a choice!" Leigh exclaims.

"Chloe," I whisper. "What did they do to you?"

"Exploited my worst fears. I can't even think anymore . . ."

"We are here with you. You're safe."

"No one's safe!" she screams, putting her head down.

Suddenly a man materializes in front of us, whip in hand.

Chloe screams.

Leigh stands up. "You are not real, you don't exist."

"Oh?" The man cocks his head. "I don't?"

I don't even see him move the whip. Leigh's just suddenly on the floor. But I stay by Chloe as she cries into the rope holding her wrists together.

"I am as real as you are. I am a demon. And I am here to kill you."

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