I wake up to an empty room. No Chloe in sight. I climb out of bed and walk down the long, gorgeous hallway. It's so hard trying to get used to this place, it's so foreign to me. I've always been imprisoned in that godsawful place.
How do you know you aren't insane still? They lie to you so often. There's no way to tell who to trust. Just Chloe and Leigh and maybe Eragon and Element.
I walk in and see Leigh and Eragon smiling at me.
“Hey - how are you?" Leigh asks.
“I don't know. Have you seen Chloe?"
“No, I haven't even seen Element," Eragon says.
“I need to find her. Are you coming with me?" I say.
Suddenly Element materializes and looks pretty upset.
“Whoa, Element. What happened to you?" Eragon asks.
“She's . . . she's gone" He collapses onto a chair and breathes in heavily. “and I couldn't save her . . ."
“Chloe? What happened to her?" I whisper.
“A Demon. His name is Dylan. He got her. He's a Demon of Fear and he's torturing her. He is being controlled by the people who kept you two in the hospital," Element says softly.
My heart hurts. My sister was abducted and I didn't even know. I need to save her.
“I'm going to save her."
I start away from them, and suddenly the three of them are beside me.
“You really think you can get away from us?" Eragon asks, smiling at me.
“She's my sister."
“And mine," Leigh says softly.
I sigh. “Fine. But will you help me?"
“Nah, I thought we'd stay on the sidelines watching," Eragon says sarcastically.
I punch his arm. “Let's go kick some Demon ass."