Chole's POV
'Insane they're insane what else could it be they talk to something not real' This is the normal sentence I hear day to day and let me tell you I am insane or at least what they categorize as insane. You see I can hear "thoughts" that aren't my own and see figures of the past and soon to be future. They come to me and tell me what I need to do to see Zoey sooner.
'Sing, sing the song that tells you're wish!' they said and I listened
''I kiss the scars on her skin,
I still think you're beautiful and I never want to lose my best friend,
I scream down "God you vulture bring her back or take me with her!' ''
I sang this song seeing as it was how I felt seeing as they separated us and I need her. She doesn't know of the figures or voices not many do. They just put me in the back of the institute and only feed me a once and a while. I miss Zoey, I miss her so much.
They are always with her, studying her, watching her. This is why they never noticed the signs of my 'gifts', as I call them because I see them as gifts they protect me. I have keep them a secret.
"Hey you...Yes you what are you sing about in there?" The warden calls.
"I sing of my wish... to see my sister Zoey its been to long i need her she is my support." My voice creaked from both under use and emotion.
"You have no right to see her but since she is your so called support I will allow it...this time."
Yes finally I cant remember the last time I saw her... I hope she isn't ill or had to suffer while they left me alone... My thoughts drifted as I drifted to sleep.
I woke up to the yelling of a guard "Take 2321 out of her cell and take her to the new cell." Oh no that's my number, what do they have planed for me
They came and took me to a cell near the front of the institute, cell 458. There was a teen girl already in there waiting for something to happen and the guards suddenly just throw me into the cell like they did so many years ago.
Then the girl looks at me ITS ZOEY "Is it really you Zoey?" I ask. She nods and looks to the floor.
I saw a figure standing next to her and with a puzzled look ask her quietly "Zoey who is the boy standing next to you?" She looks up startled and looks where I'm looking. Then she looks at me and puts her finger on her lips and puts her head next to mine and whispers, "He has no name, he is the reason Im here, he is only real to me and now you.
Hey its Tallie I am the writer behind Chole
I hope you like this part :)
- Tallie