Chloe's POV
After we got everyone and started heading out I felt the worst pain in the world, it was centered in between my eyebrows and radiated to my hairline. All I hear is a scream before I faint and leave consciousness behind.
When I wake up I'm tied down on a cot and the pain was gone in my head but now my arms are the ones in pain and they feel like their on fire. I look down and see my wrists tied down and cuts going all the way up to the crook of my elbow.
'What happened when I was out of my head' I asked myself... I didn't answer myself. Yep that's normal for me, talking to myself, not knowing whats going on...
Someone walks in but stays in the shadows. Then says,"Chloe, I see you're awake now," then she steps out of the shadows,"my name is Nyx and you are my daughter in a way seeing as you now carry my mark, Zoey is also my daughter and Hades is on his way to see you and explain to you what is going on." With that she left me and I just laid there staring at the ceiling.
"Chloe dear are you still awake, because I need to talk to you," said Hades," its about what and who you are."
" Who and what am I because I don't feel human now?" I asked.
"You are a vampyre and so is you're twin and you are special far beyond that even." He repiled.
"How am I far beyond that?" I questioned.
You were never fully human you have the blood of gods running though you're veins and you are related to all gods and goddess, what you saw was what we call monsters and only those who have the blood of the gods can see them. Now that Nyx marked you as a Vampyre you are even more special and so is you're path to greatness." He said with so much love and kindness.
With that I fell asleep with out even thinking about it knowing I was safe with Nyx.
Sorry to everyone I wrote this of the top of my head not really even going through and adding to it just wrote without a filter.
- Tallie