The Miracle

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Chloe's POV

The whole world is black and I don't know what is going on arounde all I hear is a whip and a grunt of pain. Who could it be and what has happened to me.

Where's Zoey could she still be safe and unharmed? Then I hear talking and its Zoey and Leigh. Know I know they aren't safe.

Gordon then comes in and says toys "How about you stay forever!"

That's when I scream as loud as I could scream. Zoey passes out for covering slowly fades unconscious. Gordon dies on the instant that my voice hits him dissolving into the misty air around us.

Some how I could feel what the room looks like and I'm able balance quite well on the one leg I had. It's like I'm the short time I have been this way I somehow adapted.

I call out to Element and I feel him and everyone else coming to retrieve us. And I know that when thy get here they will have a shit ton of questions for me all of which I do not feel like answering so I plop down on the floor and fall a sleep.

That should save me a couple hours from questions. When I awake I know that I will have the questions and so I appreciate the peaceful rest that I am going to have.

Sorry that I haven't wrote in a long time. My laptop broke and then my iPod love yall

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