The Boy

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Zoey's POV

I don't believe it. Chloe sees him too! I mean, I knew on some extent that he had to be real, at one point or another. There is something so familiar to him. His light, yet dark brown eyes, his messy brown hair, his pale skin. He just seems so familiar.

Maybe I'm just insane like they say. Maybe we're both insane. I wouldn't be shocked if we were. I mean, come on. We hear voices. We see people that aren't there. We are the reason why our parents are dead, we are the reason we have been trapped here. . .

"Stop beating yourself up," the boy says, sitting close to me and resting his hand on my knee, sending electricity through my veins that warms my heart.

"Are you okay?" Chloe asks nervously, scooting closer to me.

"I don't know," I admit.

The door opens and the Warden comes in. "Well, well, well. I assume you two are doing well?"

"Sure," I say sarcastically.

"You see, you do not scare me, child. You are insane, and you will soon be put out of your misery. So enjoy this time together while it lasts. It will not last long."

He leaves.

The boy sighs. "They're planning on testing you two. If you pass, you live. Fail, you die."

"What kind of tests?" Chloe and I ask in unison.

"A test to see if the two of you can be used as weapons or for medical reasons," he says.

"What? Since when do they use crazy people as their weapons or experiments?" Chloe asks.

The door opens and a man in a white coat shoves a girl in here. She falls to the white floor and gasps.

"Meet you new friend!" the white-coat shouts, then slams the door, laughing.

The girl sits up. She has tan skin and curly black hair. But it's her eyes that freak me out - they're red. Her irises are bright red like blood. She wears the same thing the three of us are - all white pants and T-shirt, and no shoes or socks.

"Who-who are you?" she asks in a terrified voice.

She collects herself and starts to retreat into the corner. I see then that she is covered with scars, just like Chloe and I.

"I'm Chloe and this is Zoey - we're Twins," Chloe says.

"I-I don't have a n-name," the girl stutters.

"How about Leigh-Anne? We can call you Leigh for short!" I suggest.

The girl nods slowly. "Leigh-Anne. I've never had a name before."

"Well, everyone deserves a name," Chloe says.

"Yeah. . . everyone," the boy beside me mutters.

"We'll give you a name," I say.

Leigh-Anne cocks her head. "I already have one?"

"You don't see the boy next to her, do you?" Chloe asks.

Leigh-Anne shakes her head. "N-no?"

"It's okay, only we can see him," I say.

"Yeah. We're insane after all," Chloe adds.

"Insane. They-they call me that t-too," Leigh-Anne mutters.

"Why, what's up with you?" I ask.

"Schizophrenia. I - I have it. And multiple personalities," she says.

Chloe looks at me. I swear I hear her voice in my head saying, This'll be fun.

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