Saved By Nyx

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Zoey's POV

"Hello, Zoey. How are you?" 

I look up at the Director, the woman in charge of this whole place. The person who gave the Warden his orders. The next person I feel tempted to kill. I'm not insane though, they just believe me to be that way. I just wish Nyx would've told me more about myself, more about my abilities or whatever. Didn't she mention I have Gifts? What are those Gifts? What are Gifts in the first place? That is the million-dollar question there, isn't it?

The Director sits across from me at our steel table bolted to the floor. My wrists and ankles are chained down, I guess for her saftey or something. After all, can't put a person as important as the freaking Director of this funhouse in a room with someone expendable, like me. Someone potientially insane. Duh.

"How are you on this fine day?" the Director asks pleasantly.

I stare at her. We were never allowed much. I mean, we are locked up here for some reason, and I wonder if this is really how society treats the insane. Lock them up in a place like this, very close to a lab, but say it's an Institue and lock us in cells and experiment on us. 

And if we told someone, it's not like they'd listen to a crazy person. Come on. Would you honestly listen to someone in a mental Institue if they told you they were being treated like lab rats? Would you believe them? No? Didn't think so.

But as I was saying, we were never allowed much. But we are able to read books, and I find myself intrigued by the Maximum Ride series (story of my freaking life), The Hunger Games books, the first Eragon book, and the House of Night series. The Director looks exactly like Neferet. And that is creepy.

"Is it a fine day? I don't know, seeing as how I never see the outside world. Not even through windows. I've gotten to the point where I wonder if there is anything beyond these stupid white walls," I say pointedly.

The Director nods solemnly. "Yes, well, that is why I have come to meet you today. You're being transferred."

My heart stops. Transfered does not mean I get to go somewhere else. 

"What? Why?" I ask, breathless. I feel as though I am about to pass out. 

The Director leans forward. "Well, you killed Kenneth Sunderman. You knew him as your "Warden" here. And so, that is why you must be transferred."

Oh no. Nyx! Nyx, can you hear me!? They're going to kill me! Transfer means death! I silently call to the Goddess who confronted me earlier.

I never thought she was real. I always dreamed she was, because of my love for Zoey Redbird and the other kids at the House of Night. I always dreamed someone like Heath or Stark would save me from this place. Nyx did say Eragon was my Guardian - so maybe I can call him? Will he even come?

Eragon! If you can hear me, please save me!

The air in front of the door shimmers and Nyx and Eragon both appear. The Director leaps up. 

"What!? Who are you!?"

"I am Nyx, Goddess of Night. And you have threatened my daughter, and now I am saving her."

Nyx runs over to me and I stand, shocked to realize I am no longer chained to the table.

Nyx takes me in her arms and kisses me right on the forehead, and I feel my world instantly be ripped away.


Hey guys! Do you like this chapter? I do, it's so looooong. As I write this, I see there are more than 600 words! Whoo-hoo!

I thought it'd be funny if Zoey was a House of Night junkie like I am myself. I just started Destined and I am really ticked at Neferet. Gosh. I hate her.

I also find it funny that my character in this is named after Zoey Redbird because I love the name Zoey so much I will name my future daughter that.

Hope you like your visit to the Funhouse! 

The title art is made by me, and the name is inspired by "Funhouse" by P!ink in case if you didn't guess that already. Now there are more than 700 words, haha. Currently listening to "Lost In Love" by the best band ever, Big Time Rush. I don't care. I am a PROUD RUSHER!

Among other things too, but that is beside the point.

What do you think will happen to Zoey and Chloe? Will the Twins (that's kinda sorta from Erin and Shaunee in HoN too, but me and my co-author are totes-magotes Twins! Maybe not by blood, but by heart!



(PS, there are 810 words in here!)

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