The Room

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Chloe's POV

I can't see, where am I, what has happened. I've tried to scream but it makes no sound. I cant even see the figure. Suddenly I cant even think.


I wake up to see a room that's unfamiliar and way to colorful. 

'you're in the interrogation room, to be interrogated on why all your guys scars hurt at the same time.'  The voices are back and just when I cant risk being discovered by the men of this institute for being actually crazy. A man with a white hood on steps in to the room, the aura of death flowed of him like a waterfall and to be honest he scares me, and not much scares me anymore.

"Are you Miss Chloe?" He said with a creepy calm voice.

"Y-yes I am she." I stuttered.

"Well then lets get started with this. And to think they called her dangerous." he mumbled the last part to himself.

"O-Okay." I stuttered again.

"Write the answers down on this piece of paper,"he said handing me a paper,"Question 1 What do you suffer from?, Question 2 Why do you think you are here?, and Question 3 Do you have any friends and/or family here?"

My answers where... I am not suffering from anything except neglect and claustrophobia from being in a cell alone for years on end,2 I here because I had an imaginary friend... when I was five named Element., and yes I have a sister and friend, my friends name is Leigh-Anne.

He took the paper and read it then shown it to the camera I didn't fail to notice. then he started to write something to me on a paper, then he he handed it to me and it read...

'Your sister just murdered someone and is demanding to see you then shell calm down the thing is i don't want her to calm down because she can show them shes not mad and can get out.' 

I said," I need to see her now please."

"Okay but pretend to be scared as you walk to the cell and remember they are always watching and listening to you."

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