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"welcome to the HLFP. This is where we will all be living. Get your rest for today because training starts tomorrow before dawn" people groaned and this seemed to amuse Kaden who just smiled happily.
"goodnight family" I got a warm filling at the mention of family and memories from the past came running to me. I miss my family. Wale squeezed my hand and I smiled at him.

I got into the room and saw twelve beds. Six on each end of the room. I took one closer to the open space that faced the ocean and forests while Luke stayed on the one beside the fire place. Wale's bed was opposite mine and Romi and Kaden's room which is 'here' is not actually here but in another end of the house. I jumped on the bed and all the tiredness and fatigue decided to arrive at the same time.

This bed is so comfortable yo!

Yeah right, its far bigger than the ones we have back at the village

I closed my eyes and the sweet feeling of sleep took over me

"the place is on fire everybody gets out!" ugh it's not even morning yet. I opened my eyes and checked the clock

Darn it is
I got up and ran out of the empty bedroom.

"so much for boyfriend" I ran to the crowd and saw Asha trying to put out the fire. Wow just the two of us controls water?

"what happened? where's everybody?" she ignored me and motioned to the ocean. Tch mindless bitch. I saw Luke and smiled running to his direction
"Luke!" he turned his head to me and smiled. I got to him and hugged him. At least one familiar face.
"thank God you're safe, I couldn't find the others" wait what "what do you mean by the others " he had a look on his face and I pulled his arm

"what happened to the others Luke!"

"I...I... we can't find Wale" no. I ran towards the direction of the burning house and entered hearing people scream my name and telling Asha to add more water to the burning fire.

I covered my mouth with my dress and made my way past the burning bedroom into the open forest which was now on fire. I coughed and made my way deeper into the forest. I heard people talking and ran to their direction the tiny rocks and sticks digging into my legs. It stung but I don't care I'm going to Wale.
I got closer and I made the voice out to be Wale's. I smiled and was about to go into the clearing when I heard another voice the words making me to pause

"I love you Wale. When will you break up with her?" I looked at my half-sister and Wale together in an embrace. I felt a pain in my heart and touched the spot. I held on to it and listened on to their conversation and sat on the floor.
"I don't know Kike give me time" the kissed and I chocked on a sob and stood up.

This can't be happening! I can't breathe I have to leave here quickly.

I turned on my heels and ran deep into the forest. I fell on the ground with a thud and felt the adrenaline rush through me.

How dare he

"argh!" thunder boomed in the clouds and lightning played with it. Everywhere became dark and angry sounds of thunders could be heard. The necklace on my neck stung and I closed my eyes to reduce the tears falling.
"why does this hurt me so much!?" heavy rain drops fell on the ground and everywhere became muddy. My hair stuck around my face and I held the tree for support before falling on the ground. The mud splashed on my face and the wounds and scratches on my legs stung. My clothes stuck to my body and I just stayed still. Not moving or doing anything. Smoke came from a distance and I felt all the strength leave me. The rain fell harshly with no mercy and I sobbed into the day that looked like night; my dark day.


"I've found her!" the sounds were muffled and I heard footsteps running towards my direction. I felt a sharp pain on my stomach and I opened my eyes. I felt my weight being lifted off the ground and I opened my eyes. Green ones stared back at me and I recognised them as Kaden's. He held me tight with a hand and trailed his thumb down my cheeks. The mud cracked under his thumb. He looked at me with a piercing gaze and I noticed his features now. His gaze was warm and his eye colour was different from that of his hair. He was about to say something when loud footsteps and splashes were heard coming to our direction. I hid my face in his chest and Kaden pulled me closer.

"give her to me" oh no I'm not talking to that two-timing bastard. Kaden seemed to get the message and I'm internally doing a happy dance "she's hurt I'll do it" I felt my self-moving and I smirked.

I'm never going to forgive you Wale.

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