Cold (angst)

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I had a smile on my face as I placed his favourite food on the table. Even though I'm really tired because of my work, I still decided to cook the food that he really loves to eat. It makes me happy to see him smile and compliment how delicious the food is.

I glanced at the clock before making my way towards the front door. After a minute, the door opened revealing my husband, Jeon Jungkook.

"I'm home," he tiredly said taking his shoes off. He walked passed me without meeting my eyes or giving me any kisses like he used to.

"How's your day?" I happily asked as I followed him towards the living room. Jungkook layed on the couch with his hand on his forehead. I went quiet knowing that he's upset about something.

I slowly sat beside him; hesitating if I should say something. "Everything is going to be fine. Don't worry too much," I said to cheer him up.

He snorted before he sat up to look at me straight in the eyes. "Don't act like you know everything." His voice was so cold as he said those words. Jungkook stood up to go to our bedroom; but before he could enter, I stopped him.

"Why are you being like this?" I asked making him stop and turn around to face me. I don't know what I did wrong for him to act so cold towards me lately. He was the sweetest and nicest guy. I have no idea what made him change so much. "Tell me what I did wrong," I stood up and approached him.

Tears were about to fall from my eyes, but I held them back. I did not want to look weak, not in front of him.

"Nothing, I-I'm just tired. Just leave me alone," he sighed as he made his way back to take a sit on the sofa. "I cooked your favourite food. You should eat before going to sleep," I told him.

I'm tired, I have no energy to ask more questions; and I also know that we will just end up fighting. After I was done taking a bath, I layed on our bed staring at the ceiling

Jungkook and I dated for six years and we are married for two years now. Our marriage was the best thing that happened in my life. After a year of being married, I gave birth to a baby boy and we named him Jungsan.

I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep when I heard Jungkook's footsteps. I heard the door opened and tried my best not to move. Soon, I felt him caressing my head as he was back hugging me. "I'm sorry (Y/n)," Jungkook apologized. "I'm sorry for everything. And I love you." I could not help but to let my tears fall. Jungkook left to take a shower. I was still laying on my side and cried myself to sleep.
I stretched my arms and yawned. I looked to my left side seeing Jungkook already awake. He was staring at me with a smile on his face. I quickly sat up when I saw the time. "You are late to work!" I sat up about to prepare his clothes & breakfast only to get pulled down the bed.

"Relax, I'm free today," he laughed. I blinked my eyes and stared at him blankly. Jungkook pecked my lips before smiling at me once again. "I missed you," I said and hugged him really tightly. "But I'm always by your side," he told me laughing.

I broke the hug, "It did not feel like you are." His smile fell replaced by an apologetic look. "I'm sorry love. Don't worry, I'll make it up to you. How about a date with me today?" He asked followed by a wink.

I smiled widely. "Of course! Why not?" I wasted no time to get ready. I opened our closet and choosed my outfit before going to take a shower.

I was still choosing my outfit when I felt Jungkook back hugging me. He then placed his chin on my shoulder making me smile.
"Let's take a shower together," he whispered sending shiver all over my body. I turned around and hit his chest playfully. "No, you've been bad to me." I gasped when Jungkook suddenly carried me bridal style. "And who said you can refuse," he smirked kicking the bathroom door wide open.
I blow dried my hair while Jungkook was putting his clothes on. "Let's go to your parents' place after our date," I said after turning off the hair dryer. I really want to see our son. Every Monday and Tuesday Jungsan is with Jungkook's parents, and on the weekend he is with my parents. Since Jungsan is the first grandchild, it's understandable that they also want to be with him.

Jungkook walked towards me when he was done putting his clothes on. "You did not forget that they went to Jeju, right?" he laughed. My smile disappeared, "I miss my baby," I sighed. Jungkook frowned, "I'm your baby too!" I could tell that he was jealous. Seriously, this guy! He hugged me making me smile. "Let me also have your attention," by the sound of his voice I could tell that he was pouting. "Act like a dad Mister!" I said poking his side.
Jungkook and I are now walking to go to a restaurant. We got hungry after our fun date in amusement park and zoo. "Where do you want to eat?" Jungkook asked making me turn my head to look at him. He smiled at me, waiting for me to answer.

"I wantー" someone cut my words before I could finished what I was about to say.
Jungkook's childhood friend came running to us. She hugged Jungkook while giving me a smirk. She glared at me then broke the hug. I'm used with her attitude towards me. She even tried to ruin my relationship with Jungkook when we were dating. Thankfully, she failed.
"Hi, (Y/n)." She greeted, clearly faking a smile. "Hey, how are you?" I asked.

Instead of replying to my question, she dragged Jungkook into a restaurant. I sighed before following the both of them. I took a sit across Jungkook who is already sitting beside Minah. We started to check the menu, but I just realized that this is a seafood restaurant. And I'm allergic to seafoods.

"Love~," Jungkook called me softly when Minah left. He gestured for me to stand up, so I did. He pulled me out of the restaurant, leaving Minah who went into the bathroom. "Let's go somewhere else. I know you're allergic to seafoods," he smiled at me. "How about Minah?" I asked Jungkook. His eyes wandered around making me a bit uneasy. He looked a bit strange.
"S-she'll be fine," he stuttered then cleared his throat.

"How rude!!" Jungkook and I turned around when we heard Minah's voice. It was obvious that she's mad because we left her without saying anything. "You can't avoid everything Jungkook," Minah said. I'm confused. Avoid what? I stared at Jungkook and saw that he went nervous. What's going on?

"(Y/n), want to know something?" Jungkook's childhood friend asked with a smirk on her face. "Your husband and Iー," her words was cutted off when Jungkook suddenly shouted for her to stop. I let go of Jungkook's hand making him stare at me who's already crying silently.

"You probably know what I'm going to say next, right?" Minah said followed by a chuckle. I shaked my head to erase the bad thoughts that I'm having. "That's right (Y/n). Jungkook cheated, we had sex." Minah laughed. "And I'm pregnant," she rubbed her stomach then glanced at Jungkook with a smile on her face.

I can't believe this. "Is it true?" I turned my head and asked Jungkook. He did not say anything except sorry. "Have a fun date, I'm leaving first," Minah smiled about to take her leave. "No you're not leaving!" I shouted and pulled her hair. I've been letting her pass, but not anymore. Minah started crying for help while Jungkook tried to stop me. I pushed Minah on the ground as she cried in pain.

Jungkook helped Minah up making my heart break into pieces. Shouldn't he be standing by my side right now?
"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked her.

I turned around to cross the street as I could not take the sight in front of me; but before I could cross, I was hit by a truck. "No! (Y/n)!" I heard Jungkook crying my name while running towards me.

"No, please! Don't do this, don't leave me." He placed my bloody head on his lap, begging for me to stay. I can't take any of this although I really want to stay strong.

"No wonder you were so cold." I said with a very weak voice to Jungkook before closing my eyes to take a rest forever.


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