I don't love you (angst)

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I don't love you


You closed the curtain making your room more darker. You sat on the floor beside your bed and hugged your knees into your chest. You grabbed the bottle of alcohol, slowly drinking it. How could he say he loves you while looking into your eyes?

You looked down when your phone vibrated to indicate that you received a message. "A date with me tonight?" You loudly read before letting out a chuckle. You stood up and got ready. Instead of wearing a dress like you always did, you decided to put on a white shirt paired with black ripped jeans.
Jungkook was already seated, he was just waiting for you to come. He immediately looked up when a familiar scent filled his nose. He rose up from his chair with a smile on his face. Jungkook was about to kiss your cheek, but you stepped back. His brows knitted together when he smelled something other than your floral scent that he likes.
"Did you drink?" he asked taking some steps towards you to confirm if he was right. And he was.

It was only later that he realized you were wearing casual clothes. He sighed and decided to take a sit after you. The both of you ate in silence. You didn't dare to utter a single word. You were waiting for Jungkook to say something or more like to reveal the truth.

"I'm guessing you already knew," he placed the cutlery down and wiped his lips with a tissue. He still remembered the day, the day where it all started...

There was a moment of silence between the group of friends. Their attention was on the door. They were all excited to see who'll enter except one person, Jeon Jungkook. It was a dare that he has to date the person who'll enter through that door.

He gulped anxiously. He closed his eyes then opened them again when he heard his friends cheering. A smile formed on his lips when a girl walked in. She wasn't his type, but at least he got to date a girl instead of a man.

You stopped eating and reached for the glass of wine. You happen to be the unlucky girl who walked through that door back then. "I overheard your conversation with Jimin last week," you told him. "Look (Y/n)--" You cutted Jungkook off to ask a question.

"Jungkook, will you answer me honestly?" you stared into his eyes with your teary ones.
"Even just for once, did you ever love me?" It was stupid to ask, but you still wanted to know. You clenched your fists under the table and tried your very best not to shed tears in front of this heartless guy.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)," Jungkook apologized. A lie! He's not even sorry! You were sure that even if he'll see you crying in front of him, his heart won't ache. "Kookie!" A high pitched voice broke the staring contest between you and Jungkook.

Jungkook remained seated even though you were slowly leaving the place. He didn't even dare to go after you to explain himself or beg for forgiveness with sincerity. Seems like the 5 months of being together was really nothing for him.

"Who is she!?" The girl's voice was loud enough for you to hear how she questioned the liar. "Calm down babe! She's just a friend of mine!" Jungkook told her. Babe? You sadly smiled as tears finally escaped your eyes. That's why...he was actually dating another girl while he was dating you.

The time will certainly come when he'll regret not loving you.


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