I don't love you pt. 2

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I don't love you pt. 2

(A/n): Sorry for making you wait, enjoy. Inspired by "Urban Zakapa - I don't love you"

You were about to greet Taehyung's close friend only to get your words stuck in your throat. Your smile disappeared the moment the guest came in. You couldn't believe that you would meet the heartless Jeon Jungkook again.

You went frozen when your eyes met his. It's like someone stopped you from moving. Jungkook was also shocked by your presence. You saw how his eyes went bigger. "Hey, hey!" You broke the eye contact with Jungkook when you heard Taehyung's voice. He ran to pick up the broken glass on the floor before you can.

"Are you okay?" A very worried expression was seen on Taehyung's face. He held your hands tightly while looking down at you with those beautiful eyes of his. You couldn't help but to put on a smile seeing his eyes full of care. "I'm fine, don't worry about me," you caressed his cheek with your thumb.

Jungkook who was still standing at the door eyed you and Taehyung. He then cleared his throat. "Oh, sorry. Come here Jungkook, why are you still standing there?" Taehyung turned and gestured for Jungkook to come closer. He was glad that his close friend from work came even though the younger one always seem so busy.

"Uh, al-alright." Jungkook stuttered. His eyes were glued on you who's busy arranging the table for the house warming party. Taehyung followed Jungkook's eyes and it landed on you.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Taehyung smiled eyeing you. "She got prettier," Jungkook replied as he slowly made his way towards you leaving his friend dumbfounded.

"(Y/n), can I talk to you?" You didn't have to look at the person to know who's talking. How could you forget the voice of the man who broke your heart.

"I don't think we have something to talk about," you told him before making your way towards the kitchen. Jungkook was about to follow you only to be stopped when a pair of hand grabbed his arm. "What are you doing?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook sighed, "Hyung, I have to talk to her."

"Do you remember the girl I talked to you about? The girl that I wanted to see? That's her hyung, (Y/n). Now that I found her I'll make things right this time." Jungkook continued. His voice broke since he was tearing up. He's been looking for you everywhere, but he never found you.

"No Jungkook." Taehyung stopped the younger one from going again. Jungkook removed Taehyung's hand on his shoulder and chuckled, "Why? Why not?" he asked raising a brow.
"You're too late." Taehyung shook his head. "She's mine Jungkook, we're getting married."

"I don't believe you." Taehyung's words didn't stop Jungkook from going towards you. He needed to hear it from your mouth. He needed you to say that you already have someone in able to believe what his friend just said.

Jungkook turned you around, "(Y/n) please! Please forgive me. You still want me back right? Right!?" Jungkook shook your shoulder wanting you to utter some words. He looked so desperate. "I already forgave you." You weren't lying when you told him that you already forgave him. "Thank you (Y/n)." Jungkook couldn't help but to hug you. You didn't push him away and stayed still.

Taehyung watched you and Jungkook in silent before sighing. He wasn't mad or jealous because he knows that you had a past with his friend. He rather felt sad for you and Jungkook. "Let's be together again (Y/-"

"There's no together, Jungkook," you quickly said cutting his words off. You slowly broke the hug and continued on speaking. "There's no us. It won't exist, no, it never existed." You shook your head looking at him straight in the eyes.

That was the truth. The thing called us between you and Jungkook never existed in the first place. You were the only one who loved and he didn't.
"Do you want to know why?" you asked wanting to remind him of what he did. "You never loved me, not even once you did." Jungkook stayed silent for awhile because what you said was true.

"I've changed (Y/n), and I love you now." Jungkook cried wanting to hold you. You chuckled by what he said. He didn't change for a bit. He's still the selfish guy who only thinks about himself, his own happiness.
"If you really did change, you wouldn't have asked me to get back with you when you damn know that I'm getting married with Taehyung!", "Which is your friend," you added.

How strange that you're feeling what Jungkook felt back then. You feel nothing seeing him hurting like this. It's like the past, but your position just switched. This is nothing compared to what he did or maybe it's even.

Jungkook's tears couldn't stop falling. Taehyung's place should be his, but because of what he did he'll be living his life regretting not loving you back when you loved him so much.


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