What is love? (angst)

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What is love?

(A/n): I'll try to write a part 2 for this, but I can't promise anything. 😁
-Comment a heart ❤️ if you like my one shots. Hehe~

You have been keeping this secret for a long time now. It's hard to keep it, sometimes you really want to tell him. To tell him that you love him.

"Jungkook, I love you." You said, staring at yourself in the mirror. If it's this easy to tell him, you already did. But it's hard. You're afraid of what's going to happen after.

You're just his best friend, nothing more than that. A sad actuality, that breaks your heart the most.

You jumped in surprise when you opened the bathroom door. "Geez! You scared me!" You said, placing a hand on your chest. Jungkook stared down at you without saying anything.

Did he heard what you said earlier? Did he heard you saying that you love him? Crap!

"Jungkook." You clenched your fists and bit your bottom lips. You're really nervous that you feel like shitting yourself in front of your best friend.

"What were you doing inside? I've been waiting for you." Jungkook sighed, plopping himself onto your bed.

You slowly walked towards him and took a sit on the edge of the bed. "Did you hear me say anything?" Jungkook turned his head away from his phone to look at you.

"What do you mean?" He sat up with a questioning look. You sighed in relief and gave him a smile. "Nothing."

"Why are you even here so early in the morning?" You asked, sounding like you didn't want him to be here at all.

"Just because you know the password of the door lock doesn't mean you can enter my house whenever you want." You added.

"Oh! Come on, (Y/n)! You know that you love being with him." You internally said.

"Well, I want to see my lovely wife in the morning. Is that a problem?" Jungkook asked, putting his face closer to yours and stared at your lips. You gulped, and hang your head down feeling yourself blushing.

"Bastard." You mumbled and walked away from him. "Hey! I heard you!" Jungkook shouted, following you out of your room towards the kitchen.

"Remember the promise that we made when we were still young?" Jungkook asked smiling widely. You grabbed an apple and bit on it, ignoring what he just said.

"I'm talking to you." Jungkook grabbed the apple from your hand and ate it making you glare at him.
"We promised to marry each other." He said.

You chuckled, "We were still young, we knew nothing about love back then." You pulled out a chair and sat down, avoiding your best friend's eyes.

You stared into space, wondering if Jungkook ever felt like he's in love with you.

But surely, he never felt the same way, right? Because he's been with his girlfriend, or shall we say his fiancée, for 4 years now.

They're going to marry each other tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. Shocking right? You find their engagement too sudden.

That's another reason why you shouldn't say your secret to him. He's in love with someone and you'll never ruin what they have, because they're happy together.

"Funny how I'm marrying someone tomorrow." Jungkook said, staring at you. "No need to say it." You told him.

Jungkook smiled. "Why? Are you sad that you're not the one I'm going to marry?" You turned to look at him and hid your real emotion.

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