By your side (angst/fluff)

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By your side


You smiled when you got a text from your boyfriend (Jungkook) who wants to meet in your favourite coffee shop. You quickly dressed up then went out of your house to meet him.

You opened the door of the coffee shop making the bell tinkle. You slowly went towards Jungkook who has his back facing you. You smiled covering his beautiful eyes before placing a quick kiss on his soft lips. "Missed me already?" You asked taking a sit across him. Your smile faded seeing his expression. He doesn't look happy.

"Is something wrong?" You asked worriedly. You were getting nervous as time passes. Jungkook lowered his head avoiding making an eye contact with you. He sighed, "(Y/n), let's break up." You stood up from your seat and chuckled. "Not a good joke Jeon Jungkook." You gave him a glare even though you know that he's not even looking.

The both of you were so fine yesterday and even went to a date. He took you to a fancy restaurant and the both of you walked along the beach. And now he's saying to break up. "Let's break up." Jungkook repeated exiting the coffee shop.

Your legs went weak, you sat on the chair lifelessly while tears trickled down your cheeks. You wiped your tears away and ran out of the café to catch Jungkook. "Wait!" you shouted. Thankfully, he wasn't that far yet.

You tightly circled your arms around Jungkook's waist, back hugging him. "You can't leave just like that. Tell me the reason," you cried. He's your happiness. He's the one who makes you happy and you couldn't imagine living a life without him by your side. Jungkook wanted to break free, but you were holding tight on him making him sigh.

"I don't love you. Actually, I didn't," with those hurtful words coming out of his mouth your arms slowly left his waist. "No. Liar! You're lying!" You shouted, but Jungkook just keep on walking further. You knew him better than anyone else. Earlier when he wanted to break free from the back hug it feels like he was telling you not to let go.
"We're sorry, we haven't found a donor yet." The doctor bowed with an apologetic look. Jungkook parents couldn't look at their son who's suffering from illness. He has a kidney failure and has a week to live. He felt unhappy, mostly because of what he did earlier. He didn't want to hurt you but he had to.

"Jungkook-a," his mom called his name softly making the boy lift his head. His eyes were red from crying. "I'm fine." Jungkook smiled making his parents' heart ache from the sight of him. He was clearly hurting, but always put others before him. That's the definition of true love for him, putting others before himself.
It's been four days since Jungkook is staying in the hospital. He grabbed his phone seeing no messages or calls from you. He sadly smiled looking at his wallpaper which is a selfie of you and him making funny faces together. "That's right, you should move on and be happy." He caressed his phone with his thumb before placing his phone back on the table. He's getting weaker each day.

"Son, I have a good news!" His father's voice startled him. The middle aged man barged into Jungkook's hospital room excitedly. "You have a donor son!" His father couldn't help but to cry out of happiness knowing that his son is going to live. "Really!?" Jungkook eyes lit up. He couldn't believed what he just heard. "You are getting transplant tomorrow morning," his father grinned.
Jungkook is now resting, he already got the transplant and his kidneys are properly functioning. He wanted to thank the donor for donating one of their kidney. "Doctor, can I ask for the donors' name?" Jungkook asked the doctor before he could leave the room. "She said she's a friend of yours, a very close one," the doctor smiled at him before he completely left the room. "She's a very close friend?" Jungkook thought. He only have friends which are all guys.

Jungkook's eyes widen at the thought of you. He quickly went out of his room without caring about his condition and asked for the number of your room. After searching for a few minutes, he stopped in front of your room. He held on the door knob, slowly twisting it and opened the door seeing you laying down on the bed with your eyes closed.

"You stupid, what did you do?" Jungkook cried holding your hand really tightly. He caressed your cheek then kissed your forehead. "Wake up (Y/n). I'm sorry for what I did." Jungkook cried. "If you're sorry then you should marry me," you joked. You were still weak, but you still wanted to talk to Jungkook. You missed everything about him. You didn't call or sent messages since you couldn't accept the fact that he was ill and had a week to live when you found out about it.

"(Y/n)!" Jungkook hugged you out of happiness making you grin. "I won't just marry you. I'll also stay by your side till I die." You chuckled by what he said and shook your head. "But you said to break up. Let's break up then," you joked. Jungkook quickly hugged you, burying his face in your neck.

"No~ I'm sorry jagi," by the sound of his voice you could tell that he was pouting. You laughed, "Alright, you baby!" Jungkook looked into your eyes then kissed your lips. The both of you were kissing each other with a smile on your faces.

"I love you, so stay by my side." Jungkook looked into your eyes intently before placing his lips on yours once again.

(A/n): This oneshot is so bad, I'm dyingg! But I hope you still like it. 😆


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