Ex-boyfriend (angst)

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All you did was to observe him from afar. Your friends would look at you with compassion whenever he passed your way. Your eyes does not meet his anymore.

And maybe, he already have someone who would make him happy. Someone who would bring happiness in his life, someone who isn't you. But you'll be happy for him, because that's how much you love him.

After all, it was your fault why you are not together anymore. You were the one who ended your happiness by taking a stupid action.

"It would be better to die," you said to yourself before standing up from the bench. You could not accept the fact that your parents left you. Maybe your father also left, because he thought that you are a burden to him.

Jungkook who went to buy ice cream saw you walking towards the street. He threw the ice cream that he was holding and ran to save you.

You closed your eyes and waited for the truck to take your life, and instead, you got pushed on the sidewalk by someone. You turned around and saw your boyfriend laying on the ground covered with blood. You quickly called the ambulance then they brought him to the hospital.
The sound of a slap echoed through the empty hallway of the hospital. You were waiting outside the operating room when Jungkook's mom came, slapping you really hard.

"Don't ever go near my son!"

-End of flashback-

Jungkook was there when your mother passed away; he was there when your dad left you after your mom died. He was always by your side through ups and down. That's why he's someone that you could not forget no matter what. There's no day that you wouldn't blame yourself for what happened to him. The worst thing is, you are the reason why he lost his memory. The accident would not happen if it wasn't because of you.
You were taking a walk around your school's garden when you saw Jungkook closely looking at the flowers that you planted yourself.

You slowly walked towards him and stood beside his tall figure after hesitating for a while. A little bit of talking won't hurt right?
"Do you like them?" You asked even though you already know the answer. You were trying so hard not to make an eye contact with Jungkook. You're afraid that you can't control yourself and just hug him all of a sudden.

From the corner of your eyes, you saw him staring at you. "(Y/n)," he said your name making you freeze. "Do you remember me?" You finally looked at him full of hope. Jungkook has his brows knitted together, confused by your question. "Y-you're in the same class as me," Jungkook let out an awkward laughter.

"Right." You hang your head low, cursing yourself in your mind. You completely forgot that the both of you are in the same class. How stupid.

"Those are primroses," you said remembering the day when the teacher allowed you to plant these flowers after begging her for a lot of times. You surprised Jungkook with these flowers to thank him for everything that he has done for you.

"Can't live without you," you sighed holding back your tears. Jungkook touched his head. You smiled seeing the same habit that he has whenever he gets nervous. "Are you saying that to m--

"It's the meaning of the flower," you cut him off. Jungkook smiled before bending down to pick one. He stood straight then turned his body towards you. He handed you the flower and you took it after hesitating.

"You can only give this to someone that you love, not to some stranger," you said not even daring to look into his eyes.

"And who said that you are a stranger," Jungkook replied. He remembered you yesterday after seeing pictures of you & him that were hidden inside a box under his bed.

You looked up meeting Jungkook's serious face. You were about to turn your head away only to be stopped when he cupped your face to take a look of you.

"I'm sorry for taking so long to remember you," he said before placing a kiss on your forehead.


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