Dating Jungkook

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Dating Jungkook


♡ Giving you a (teasing) wink whenever you would make an eye contact with him during class.

♡ When you're wearing beanie, he would pull it down to cover your eyes then kiss your lips.

♡ Would wrap his arm around your waist if a random guy is checking you out. "Back off! She's mine."

♡ Rest his head on your lap when he's tired & cutely ask for you to kiss him.

♡ Lots of beach/amusement park date.

♡ Staying inside the house and play video games all day.

♡ Singing together inside the car.

♡ You and him being extra.

♡ Derp faces selfies.

♡ Taking pictures of you when you're not looking.

♡ Cuddling in the bed on a rainy day while listening to songs that suits the weather.

♡ He would write a song while thinking about you.

♡ He would get very shy after a kiss. Then, he'll put on his 'serious' face whenever you'll tease him about his shyness. Jungkook ends up cracking a smile anyways.

♡ Teaching you how to get a strike in bowling.

♡ Making you laugh when you're down.

♡ Stares at you when you're not looking.

♡ Holds your hand/kissing the back of your hand.

♡ Back hugging you while swinging your bodies side to side.

♡ Teases you a lot.


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