Faded (angst)

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"I love you, and I'll be with you forever."

You snorted at that and turned off the tv. That's the beginning of a relationship, saying that you'll stay by each other's side and last forever.

What kind of bullshit.

Feelings will fade, and we cannot do anything about it. It's not something that we can control. It hurts, but that's how it is.

Unless, if you really love that person you'll do what it takes to keep them. Effort is needed to achieve what you want.

"Good night," Jungkook said before he went into the bedroom to sleep. You wanted to go in but it was hard for you to take a step in. You were frozen like a statue for a moment. Somehow, you were scared.

You just wondered where all those feelings went; the feelings that he had for you in the beginning. You already knew even if Jungkook was silent about it. You knew that his love isn't the same as before, but you still want to hear it from him.

You took all of your courage and went into the bedroom to talk with your boyfriend.
"Are you still awake?" you asked as you sat down on the end of the bed.

"Yes, why?" Jungkook asked. "I want to talk about us," you answered. You heard him letting out a big sigh and mumbled something.
"Can it wait until tomorrow (Y/n)?" your boyfriend asked, sounding annoyed.

"No Jungkook," you said clenching your fists. You wanted to stop your tears from falling, but you failed.

It's sad thinking about all of the happy moments that the both of you had. He used to love you so much, and he was so sweet towards you but now..he's treating you like a complete stranger.

Jungkook let out a sigh again and sat up.
"So, what do you want to talk about?" he asked. You were about to speak but his phone suddenly rang. It's always like that, someone would call him in the midnight.

Jungkook looked at the screen of his phone, thinking whether to answer it or not. He had his head down, but you can see how he smiled when that person called.

"Who is it?" you asked. You already know that he met a lot of girls but you stayed silent about it.

You're not stupid that you let him fool you,
you just refused to see the truth because you love him so much. You thought that he'll change, so you let things pass, but now you can tell that it's impossible.

"It's my mom," Jungkook answered. You stood up, turning your back at him. Tears keep on falling down your cheeks non stop.

"We should end this shouldn't we?" you said. Jungkook went out of the bed after hearing what you said. He turned you around and that's when he saw you crying.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" your boyfriend asked. He was about to wipe your tears, but you turned your head away. "Tell me Jungkook, do you still have feelings for me?" you asked.

"Of course I do," he answered without any hesitation, but his eyes was telling the painful truth. He doesn't love you anymore.
"Stop lying to me," you told him.

"Just stop," you continued. "Tell me the truth," you begged him. Jungkook pulled his hair getting frustrated. "I do love you (Y/n)," he answered again wanting to convince you.

"Keep lying Jungkook, I'd love to hear more," you told him. "Okay, damn it (Y/n)! I don't love you anymore! My feelings are already gone! Are you happy now!?" he suddenly shouted.

You smiled at him as more tears escaped your eyes. "It's all good now, I really wanted to hear it from you. Thank you Jungkook," you smiled at him but your eyes clearly showed sadness; and that's when Jungkook felt really guilty.

"(Y/n), I- I'm sorry," he went closer to you about to give you a hug. You stepped back keeping the smile that you had.
"Sorry won't fix what you have done, but it's alright," you told him.

"Feel free to sleep now," you said to Jungkook. You wiped your tears and started packing your clothes. "Do you really have to leave?" Jungkook asked.

You chuckled. He's joking isn't he? You stood up and faced him. "What do you want me to do? Stay by your side while you go around meeting other girls and break my heart again and again?" you asked.

Jungkook looked down; he was ashamed. He could not look into your eyes and say something. He could not bring himself to lie again, because he knows that he hurt you badly.

"I still need you (Y/n)," Jungkook suddenly shed tears and held your hand.

"You don't need me, you only need yourself," you told him, removing his hand away from yours.

Feelings are temporary, they fade with time.


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