What is love? pt. 2

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What is love? pt. 2

(A/n): Warning! There's no happy ending. 😩

2 years later...
You placed the bag of fruits on the side table before smiling at the man lying in hospital bed. "How are you feeling?" You asked taking a sit on the bed beside him.

"Not so well, my condition is getting worse." Jimin replied weakly. He held your hand and gave you the sweetest smile.

Your heart ached at that. You looked away on the verge of tears. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Don't you miss him?" Jimin asked, alluding to Jungkook. You pulled your hand out of his grip and stood up. You grabbed an orange inside the plastic bag faking a smile as always.

"Do you want water?" You smiled, staring at Jimin. He shook his head and sighed. You started peeling the orange only to be stopped halfway.

"Since he left, I never saw your real smile." He said. You have no idea what to say. You're lost for words.
"You know, my last wish is for you to love me just like how you love Jungkook."

"But I guess that will never happen." Jimin shed tears. You hang your head down. If you could forget about your feelings for Jungkook and love Jimin you already did.

But it's not easy to forget about someone who will always pop into your head first whether you're feeling sad or happy. "I'm sorry." You cried.

"You don't have to say sorry. It's my fault for expecting too much." Jimin chuckled. He's amazed by you.
Even though Jungkook left, you still have that strong feelings for him.

Thinking about it made Jimin realize that nothing in the world can change your love for Jungkook. "I'm so sorry, Jimin. I'm sorry." You fell on your knee crying your heart out.

"I can't thank you enough for being such a great friend to me (Y/n). You never left me alone when I needed you the most." Jimin stared at the ceiling with a smile on his face while tears escaped his eyes. "I think with that I can take a rest forever as a happy man."

"What Jungkook said was really true. I should've listened to him, but I was stubborn." The conversation that Jimin had with Jungkook is still vivid in his mind.

"You can't force love, he told me." Jimin continued. He reached his hand out for you to hold. You didn't hesitate to hold his hand and lock your fingers with his.

"If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours." Jimin smiled at you.

"If you'll meet Jungkook again, love him without feeling sorry for me.
Can you do that?" Jimin asked, caressing the back of your hand with his thumb.

Two days after Jungkook's marriage, you never saw him again. He disappeared into thin air. You have no idea where he is. You tried calling him, but he changed his number.

You don't know if he's dead or alive, happy or sad, living well or not. You have no idea about those things, but wherever he is today, you wish him all the best.

"He's a married man. You know what it means, right?" You asked him, smiling a bit. "Even if I love him, I still have no chance to be with him."

"And plus, I don't want to be a mistress." You laughed, staring down at your lap. Jimin smiled, "You have no idea how much he loves you, (Y/n)."

You slowly lifted your head and looked at Jimin, waiting for him to continue speaking. "He loves you more than a best friend."

Jimin still remembered the times when Jungkook would talk about you. That boy would always have a smile on his face while telling stories about his day with you.

"You love (Y/n), don't you?" Jimin didn't have to ask this question to his younger friend. He could see it all through Jungkook's eyes. That boy loves you, very much.

"I'm sure you're mistaken." You shook your head. Jungkook loves you more than a best friend? That's impossible. "I'm not mistaken." Jimin smiled.

"Forgive me (Y/n). Forgive me for ruining your chance and his to be happy in each others arms." Jimin apologized crying.

You're confused. What does he mean by ruining the chance? Did Jimin do something unforgivable? "What do you mean?" You asked.

"One day when you'll know the truth about everything, forgive me. I'm truly sorry (Y/n)." Jimin said taking his last breath. You immediately went to him crying hardly.

"Jimin!" You shook his body, shouting his name. "Jimin open your eyes! No! Jimin!" You cried holding his hand tightly. You ran outside and called the doctor.

The doctor rushed in along with the nurses. They just stood doing nothing making you go mad. "What are you waiting for!? Resuscitate him!" You shouted at the top of your lungs.

"I'm sorry Miss, but he's dead. We can't do anything." The doctor apologized bowing his head down. "No, bring him back. This can't be." You cried, hugging Jimin's body tightly.
Few months later...
After visiting Jimin's grave, you decided to take a walk in the park.
You still couldn't forget losing him, along with Jungkook who still haven't showed up.

You're all alone in this cold weather, walking lifelessly as happy people surrounded you.

For the past few years, you never felt happy anymore. It's as if you feel like there's no reason for you to live.

You immediately apologized when your shoulder bumped into someone's.

You were about to take a step again, but you got stopped when the person whom you bumped into gave you a tight back hug.

The feeling is very familiar. His warmth that makes you feel sleepy, his breathing that makes you go crazy, his scent that smells very pleasant. His presence that makes you forget about having a hard time.

Tears fell out of your eyes. You turned around and face the person who gave you a back hug.

"Jungkook." You called his name so softly that it made him smile again after so many years.

Nothing in life also worked out for him without you by his side. No matter how much he would try to forget about you he couldn't. His heart would always search for you.

Jungkook thought that maybe if you won't see each other anymore, he'll eventually forget about you. He was completely wrong.

Instead of forgetting you, his feelings just grew stronger everyday that it drove him and Hyesoo to divorce.

"I want to grow old with you. I love you." Jungkook wiped your tears away before kissing your lips.

Never chase the person you love. If it's meant to be, it'll be.

What is love?
This is what you call love.

(A/n): Of course I gave you all a happy ending. 😂 ➡️(It's a happy ending, this is a JK one shot not Jimin🙄🙃)⬅️
Idk if this story even make sense, but THANK YOU for enjoying my one shots.
Love you guys~ 💕

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