Missing you (angst)

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Missing you

You happily walked down the corridor looking for your boyfriend, Jungkook.
You decided to walk a little bit faster as you couldn't wait to see him.

You want to tell him how you finally got a part time job after looking for one for a really long time.

You immediately stopped on your track as your smile disappeared. The sight of your boyfriend kissing a girl made your heart break.

"Jungkook," you called his name with your shaky voice. Tears started to form in your eyes when he turned around to look at you as if nothing happened.

The girl who he was kissing with quickly left when you sent her a deadly glare.

"What was that?" you asked feeling a lump in your throat. Jungkook took a few steps towards you wanting to wipe your tears, but you were quick enough to slap his hand away before it could even touch your cheeks.

"Why are you crying when you're the one who just cheated?" you hissed. How dare he cry like he was the one who got cheated on?

"Stop acting like you're the victim!" you shouted not caring about the people who started to turn their head towards you and Jungkook.

"You said you love me," you cried. Jungkook wiped his tears and lowered his head down not to meet your eyes.

"Just because I said I love you doesn't mean I really do," he replied making your heart break into pieces. You went speechless, you can't find some words to say.

Jungkook quickly lifted his head and looked at you. He could see it through your eyes, his words really stabbed you deep in the heart.

He was about to hold your hand, but you took a step back before turning your body around.

"Don't you ever dare show up in front of me," you told him in a very cold tone.

As you got further away from Jungkook, a memory of you and him started playing in your mind..

Jungkook was back hugging you while the both of you watch the sunset. You smiled turning your head to look at him. "It's beautiful," you said.

Jungkook looked down with a grin on his face. "You're more beautiful," he said placing a kiss your lips. You giggled and elbowed his stomach.

"Promise me that we'll be together forever." Jungkook's heart beat went faster when he said that. He was so nervous to hear your answer.

He looked at you in silent, waiting for you to say something. "I promise," you said kissing his lips.

Jungkook smiled widely then hugged you tightly.

"I love you (Y/n)!", Jungkook shouted.

"I love you too, Jungkook!", you shouted.

You and Jungkook laughed when some people started staring at the both of you.

You shook the thought of you & him and let out a bitter laughter.
"It was all an act, what a great actor." You chuckled and wiped the tears that keep on streaming down your face.

-4 years later-
You glanced at your wrist watch and quickly opened the door of the coffee shop. You cursed under your breath when your shoulder bumped into someone.

You were about to apologize, but the words got stuck in your throat seeing a familiar guy standing in front of you. He's still handsome as he was, nothing changed about him.

"(Y/n)!", "Jin!" both of you said in unison.

You were about to say another thing, but Jin was quicker. "Shall we go in to talk?" He asked already opening the door for you. You slowly nodded, smiling at him awkwardly.

The two of you took a sip of your coffee before letting out an awkward laughter. It's been a long time that you saw each other.

"Why are we being like this? We used to fool around along with Jungkook." Jin said. Your smile disappeared at the mention of his name.

Jin is Jungkook's best friend, almost like his brother. The both of them are really close that's why you and Jin got to know each other.

"Aren't you going to ask me about him?" Jin asked almost whispering. He knew that you didn't want to talk about Jungkook, but he still wanted to bring it up knowing how much you and his friend loved each other.

"How-how is he?", you asked looking down. You lifted your head and stared at Jin earning no reply from the guy across you.

Jin smiled yet he looked so sad. "Will you come with me without asking why?" He asked.

A lot of things came in your mind. You have a lot of questions to ask him, but you decided to just shut your mouth and follow Jin out of the coffee shop.
Tears fell from your eyes, your heart broke into pieces just like what happened four years ago. And the reason why your heart is breaking is because of the same person once again.

No other than Jeon Jungkook.

"Three months after the both of you broke up, Jungkook died. He had leukemia." You shook your head as tears escaped your eyes non stop.

"He didn't cheat on you, it was his plan so that you'll stay away from him." Jin continued also breaking in tears. He still remembered the moment when Jungkook called your name before he took his last breath.

"Why? I should've been there for him. Why did he.." You fell on your knees caressing Jungkook's tombstone.

"Tell me I'm dreaming, Jin. Please~" You looked up begging for Jin to say that you're dreaming only to see him shake his head while looking at you with sad eyes.

Jin didn't utter anything, he slowly sat down next to you and let you cry into his arms. "He must've suffered a lot. I should've been there, if only I knew."

"Jungkook didn't want you to see him dying. He also said not to blame yourself and that he loves you so so much."

"I can't help it. It hurts so much. The pain is unbearable." You sobbed. You can't deny how much you miss Jungkook. If only you could turn back time.

"Getting hurt is part of loving someone." Jin sadly smiled and pat your back.

"I miss him. I wish I could turn back time."


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