Heartbreak (angst)

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Mine is, "My girl and I". It's a very sad Korean movie.

"You know how much she likes you," Hoseok nudge Jungkook with his elbow. The younger stayed silent; he glanced at his friend and smiled.

"But I don't like her in that way," he finally spoke after a minute of silence. "And I don't c一

"Here's the popcorn!" you shouted barging into Jungkook's room. You looked down holding back your tears. You placed the pop corn down the table and stared at your friends.

"What?" you asked. They stopped staring at you and went back to play video game. Hoseok cleared his throat, "I forgot to say this,"

"I have to leave, my mom needs my help," he continued and stood up from the floor. "But hyung," Jungkook said as he placed his game controller down in his lap. "We're not done playing yet," he continued.

"Is she a ghost?" Hoseok asked pointing at you. "Why are you being awkward with her? Act like you normally would." Hoseok said making Jungkook nervous. "I'm not awkward, I'm just一

"I'll also take my leave," you said cutting Jungkook's words. "You're leaving too!" Jungkook growled annoyingly. "Stay with me," he begged like a child.

Hoseok chuckled as he shook his head in disbelief. "Goodbye people," Hoseok left hurriedly before Jungkook and you could say something.

"So," you uttered. You swear to god, this is the most awkward moment between you and Jungkook. Never have this happened before.

Jungkook gestured for you to take a sit beside him; then, he handed you the controller. The both of you played and finally went back being comfortable with each other.

"You lost!" Jungkook shouted, smiling triumphantly at you. You tossed the game controller onto the table, "Yeah yeah, you won." Jungkook laughed and keep poking your cheeks.

"Stop that, you idiot." You smiled while balling your hands into fists. Jungkook smiled, "What? You're going to punch me?"

"I'm about to," you glared at him making him smile. Jungkook let out a sigh as he suddenly became serious.

"(Y/n)," Jungkook said. "I like Yena, I'm in love with her," he continued. "I know," you replied smiling at him. It felt like your heart was being twisted hearing him saying that.

Being in love feels really good but at the same time it feels like shit. Especially when you become to know that you're in unrequited love.

"Why can't you like me back? What does she have that I don't?" You want to ask Jungkook these questions, but you decided not to. You already know that if he'll answer those questions, you'll get hurt even more.

"You should stop liking me, because I never liked you." Jungkook told you. "I mean一

"I understand," you cut his words off again. You were hurting inside but you still managed to smile.

Guilt took over Jungkook, he did not mean to say it that way. He likes you a lot, but only as a friend.

"I love you (Y/n), I love you as a friend." Jungkook held your hand and smiled at you while staring into your eyes. You looked at your lap and replied, "I love you too Jungkook."

"As a friend," you added as you lifted your head to look at him. You did not shed a tear; your heart was crying instead. You can feel the pain in your chest, and it's unbearable.

"Good, because friend stays as a friend. Nothing more than that," Jungkook uttered without knowing how much pain you are feeling.

He's the reason behind your smiles, but he's also the reason behind your pain. However, you can't blame Jungkook on that; because, you are the one who fell in love and he did nothing wrong.

You created your own heartbreak, not him.


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