chapter 2: what star?

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[Warning, this fanfiction has swearing in it, please read at your discretion!]

Everyone followed Allura to the front deck to see what Coran had called everyone for. Allura ran quickly ahead of everyone else and stormed into the room.

"Coran, what is the problem!?" Allura shouted, racing to her station. All the other paladins went and sat in their respective seats and waited for orders.

"There seems to be a planet nearby, it has no galra invaders from what the message says, but is in dire need of help?" He said, reciting the message to the paladins and Allura.

"So a rescue mission! This'll be as easy as my mom's homemade pie" Lance said with a nostalgic smile on his face, relaxing into his chair, he closed his eyes and could almost smell the pie. A pang hit his heart, but he brushed it off and listened to Coran talk.

"Thing is paladins, this is the planet," Coran said. A photo of the planet came into view on everyone's screen. The planet looked deader then Pluto after it was removed from a official planet.

'Poor Pluto though man, that's harsh' Lance pitted Pluto. Lance and the others looked at the photo some more, noticeable traits immediately found.

"" Lance said shocked.

"How can this be physically possible!?" Pidge said looking at the picture of the dark and lifeless planet.

"It doesn't seem to even be harboring life.." Keith said suspiciously, "could this be a trap?"

"Well, there is only one way to find out, we should send out a scout or two to check out the planet," Shiro said.

"But what if it is the galra, and they take the scouts?" Hunk offered to the discussion.

"Hunk is right, we should all go, plus, Coran said that there couldn't have been any Galra on the planet anyway, I mean look at it" Pidge pointed to the planet on the big screen.

"The Galra wouldn't want anything from a dead or dying planet anyway, I think it's safe to say that the Galra aren't behind this" Pidge leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, relaxing from the tension a few seconds ago.

"Alright.. we shall send Voltron to this planet," Allura said, "Coran? Can't you find any more information on this planet?" Allura asked the ginger Altean. Coran looked at Allura then to the screen, he hummed then made a face that read 'oh! I remember!'. He turned to Allura again wearing a grin, then slowly a frown at his news, he looked at the screen and read his notes.

"Well from what I have gathered in this short amount of time this planet has no moons, or stars to boot that," Coran said looking through the planet's info file.

"That's strange, does that mean that the current star died or even has yet so grown large enough yet?" Pidge asked holding her chin and thinking hard.

"Negative, this planet hasn't had a star in over 6 million years!" Coran said shocked his face turning horrified.

"What!? 6 million years without a star! How can that be!?" Lance shouted standing up from his seat.

"The natives of the planet personally destroyed it, the reason is unknown but it must have been for the people to thrive, paladins, I'll need you to take extra precautions, this planet has no light source so be keen to use your lions well" Coran said.

"Thank you, Coran, alright paladins! Suit up!" Shiro yelled, the group of teens ran and got their suits on, went to their lions and took off to the nearby planet.


"Okay Allura, we see the planet up ahead, no lights or Stars can be seen as Coran said, the planet is jus-"

Our Ball of Sunshine [(Klance), (Crazy!Lance AU) Voltron fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now