chapter 4: oh..those natives

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[Warning, this fanfiction has swearing in it, please read at your discretion!]

"NOT AGAAAAAAAaaaaaiiin!" Lance shouted as he was pulled into the earth.

The others were stunned, shocked, and most importantly scared.

"L-lance? Lance... LANCE CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" Shiro shouted in rage, he pushed his thruster forward with such force he almost broke them.

"LANCE!!" Screamed Keith after Shiro, they dove down to the ground to see if there is any sign lance could be saved.

"Oh my god.." Pidge whispered to herself. A small faint tear could be seen falling slowly down her cheek.

"I'M GONNA GO GET ALLURA AND CORAN! Hunk stay back and watch those two" Pidge told hunk as she flew off, blasting her booster to get to the ship faster.

"L-lance?.." Hunk said as he too followed Keith and Shiro down to the planet but not as angrily.


"Dammit! Shit! God fucking DAMMIT!" Keith shouted and hollered as he kicked and stomped at the earth. "GIVE US BACK LANCE! GIVE HIM BACK YOU BASTARDS!" Keith pounded his fist into the ground his knuckles cracking and tearing his suit somewhat.

"Keith! Simmer down! Throwing a tantrum won't fix anything!" Shiro said as he grabbed Keith's arm.

"Ggrh!" Keith grunted "how could we let this happen!? HOW!?" Keith screamed more, tears crawling down his face to his chin slowly. The salt of the tears made Keith's face cringe in irrationality, his eyes grew puffy and swollen red.

"Dammit.." Keith finally whispers as he slumped to the ground, sitting still punching its dead earth. Cuts and small tears of skin opened and small droplets of blood came out of his hands.

"Keith.." Hunk said as he ran out of his lion to the two paladins. His hands were holding what seemed as a medic box, 'Of course he had to have a medic box'.

"Keith are you okay?" Hunk asked as he put his hand on Keith's shoulder, the heavy box clanked against the dead surface.

"I'm obviously not okay Hunk" Keith said as he desperately wiped away his tears from his still puffy and red eyes, few little specks of blood smeared on his face mixing with his wet tears.

"Keith, Hunk, I thinks it's best we go get Allura and the ship landed.. we may be here a while" Shiro said as he offered a hand to Keith, Keith timidly turned away and got up on his own.

'I won't let anyone pity me..' Keith thought to himself as he walked to his helmet that he threw somewhere in anger.


Keith ran to his helmet and shouted at it, Lance had still been able to communicate. "LANCE! LANCE!ANSWER ME!" Keith shouted into his helmet. Hunk and Shiro walked up to keith.

"Keith.." Hunk said in a pained voice.

"Its no use" Shiro said resting his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE HE'S DEAD!? He's not! I just heard him! I swear!" Keith exclaimed. Keith shook off shiro's hold and stood up holding his helmet tightly to his chest.

"Keith, of course he's not dead! Don't be so selfish! We're in pain too! Just as much as you are, we are Lances friends too!" Hunk scolded Keith. Hunk walked closer and closer to Keith, each time, Keith didn't move, he only held his helmet tighter.

"You don't understand how I fucking feel right now!" Keith snapped at Hunk.

"Keith!" Shiro yelled as glared at Keith, "don't be so disrespectful..."

Our Ball of Sunshine [(Klance), (Crazy!Lance AU) Voltron fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now