chapter 6: Lances horror

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[Warning, this fanfiction has Swearing, Gore and Suggesting Moments in it, please read at your discretion!]

'Years?, maybe months? or weeks...days? hours?... God I'm tired..'

Lance thought as he looked at the dead ceiling. Sometimes when he blinked a few tears ran down, Even without Lance knowing.

The monsters were gone now, his arm was still in bad condition, but the evidence was gone. Those things black ooze had soaked up his blood. But now all he saw was his parents, his family, broken and dead.

"Maybe it was galra?" Lance mumbled to himself.

'Galra... it was the Galra's fault!' Lance thought, his dull eyes got a gleam in them again.

'The galra are the ones that came to earth!' He slightly smiled. 'Zarkon wanted to fucking murder everything!'

Lances slight smile became wider and wider as he made himself believe the Galra were behind everything.

'Thats right! If the Glara weren't here.. my parents wouldn't hate me! Diana wouldn't be in debt! Mico wouldn't have to steal! Michael could be playing catch! And mama.. She wouldn't be in debt too!'

Lances face morphed into a maniacal grin. His teeth white and sparkling, if their was any sign of sadness on Lance now, it had been wiped clean. A clean slate made to be full of anger and revenge.

"Ill kill all the Galra" Lance said, a few dribbles of black coming out of his mouth.

When he spouted this, some black ooze traveled up his throat and spilled out. With all his strength Lance turned on his side and let the black stuff flow out of him.

'Ill kill them all' Lance thought bitterly to himself as he felt more ooze fill his throat and dry mouth.

A sudden earthquake happened. It made a few dead plant elements fall onto him and some rocks too. The moment had passed and the planet stopped shaking. Lance looked down at his black vile that had just left him. Lances once maniacal face had toned down, his smile slowly being replaced by a frown. He could feel the burn of pre made tears.

"Keith?" Was all Lance said, a new wave of sadness and depression washed over him like a shower, the tears fell and the emotions hurt. He was all over the place today wasn't he?

Down the cave, Lance could hear loud, thumping foot steps, the dirt cracking and moving under the person feet.

"Lance! Lance!? oh my god, Lance!" Someone yelled at him. Lance turned his head to the side, seeing a tall figure run toward him.

"LANCE! Don't die! You'll be okay! Shiro! I found him!"

'How funny' Lance thought, "you don't look good, when you cry"


"What'd... I do?" Lance huffed out from his chest, his lungs somehow heavier since a few minutes ago. He felt a rush of blood go to his head giving him a sudden flow of pain.

"Damn, Galra" Lance spat. His teeth grinded, he looked at a scared Keith that was cradling him in his arms. No blood had been spilt on keith, even though Lance had big gashes and wounds on his arms and head.

"Lance! We need to get you into a pod!" Keith proclaims to the basically dying paladin of the blue lion.

Lances lips curled into a smile, he looked Keith right in the eyes.

'Keith's eyes are purple?' Lance wondered to himself.

He realised Keith was speaking, Lances reaction was sorta delayed because of his condition.

Our Ball of Sunshine [(Klance), (Crazy!Lance AU) Voltron fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now