chapter 3: what natives?

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[Warning, this fanfiction has swearing in it, please read at your discretion!]

Hunk, Lance and Keith continue walking through the large, dead jungle, searching the area around them for anymore life beside those 'flowers-demon-things', as Lance had named it.

"So Coran? What are those things called anyway?" Keith asked Coran over the communication line.

"Those are called "$_!#=+/?*~%^¥", my father used to have one when I was wee lad no younger then Pidge, how did they get to this place, they were a peaceful plant that even let children ride on them, what could have happened to this gentle beast?" Coran said through the hub line.

"Well those things sure as hell arnt gentle for shit!" Lance screamed into the hub line. "It almost fucking ate me!?"

"LANCE LANGUAGE!" Allura screamed at Lance from her spot on the ship, "how many times do me and Shiro have to tell you this!?"

"Sorry Allura.." Lance apologized meekly to her, he rubbed his shoulder and remembered his punishment-- three slugs in the arm from Shiro--.

"So Coran, why did that flower-monster-thing try to eat Lance anyway?" Hunk asked as he swatted a laughing Keith and held back Lance from punching said laughing Keith.

"that is what troubles me, it only has a preference for "™»'<[\'" meat? How curious" Coran proclaimed, stroking his orange mustache. He looked back to Allura then back to the giant hologram screen.

"Although the flowers do have a tendency to attack and destroy bright or loud things" Coran commented after his theory. Hunk and Keith stopped and stared at Lance, who was silently poking at the dead trees with his Bayard. They both snicker and listened back into Corans explanation.

"I'm sure the ecosystem and the planet has something to do with the plants aggression, paladins please be careful" Allura said, holding her hands together in prayer for their safety, just like always. Coran shut off the line after Hunk and Keith bid their goodbyes for the while. Coran sighed and crossed his arms, still thinking, 'what could possibly cause the plant to mutate to such aggressive actions?'.

"Coran do you think the paladins will be safe? I have a feeling today is the change of something big.." Allura said clutching her hands tighter together, making her knuckles turn white from circulation shortage.

"My princess, these are the saviors of the universe, I'm sure they'll feel they destiny-powers-feelings kick in!" Coran said hopefully to Allura, pumping his fist happily.

Allura giggled softly then looked back to the mice on her podium. "Were talking about the same people right?" She smiled to her little furry companions.


With Shiro and Pidge it wasn't much better for the two of them. Shiro was close to being eaten by a giant tree monster and Pidge couldn't get a signal to the others or the ship with the denseness of the dead jungle, blocking their signal.

"Pidge! stay behind me!" Shiro yelled, the tree spun around making a giant crater. It's root dug itself into the ground, steadying its base so it could have more of a successful attack. The tree's branches were splitting into three section as it went to attack them, two had gone after Shiro and one went after Pidge. Shiro quickly cut the vines with his Galra tech hand and raced after the vine that was after Pidge.

"Pidge! look out!" Shiro shouted.

The tree vine wrapped around Pidge. Before it could lift her to far off the ground, she used her Bayard to stun the branch. For a few seconds the vine branch was twisting in pain and loosened its grip on Pidge, she immediately jumped down from the branches clutches and ran to Shiro.

Our Ball of Sunshine [(Klance), (Crazy!Lance AU) Voltron fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now