chapter 8: So lance is actually crazy?

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Lances screams echo through the healing pod room, his screams were muffled as if he was fighting something. His arms felt weighed and his lungs still heavy with the unknown alien fluid.

The rest of the paladins awoke to a very not nice alarm throughout the castle, Because the alarm was signals of attacks by stray Galra fleets. It had been 6 weeks since they have seen the Galra fleets, so some of them may be a little rusty. The paladins quickly got up and ran to their main deck. Allura quickly turned around and looked at her paladins,

"where's la-", she stopped herself and pushed down her sadness.

"Paladins! to your lions! Don't let them damage the core!" Allura commanded.

"Yes princess!" The four shouted, they worryingly got into their lions and jumped out the lion chamber

As the small group of galra fleets became larger, it became obvious that this was a trap. While the other fought, lance was thrashing and pounding inside the pod, his fists getting bruised from the excessive pounding. Lance had been awake for about 2 minutes after the others left. He was stuck inside the pod which made him worse, his thrashing around at least got the attention of someone, Coran, who came to quickly check on Lance.

"Lance! Oh my goodness!" Coran shouted. He quickly unlocked the pod and lance fell out, his dark blue eyes glowed somewhat when he came out. As soon as Lance hit the floor he ran.

"Wait Lance! We need to check your vitals-!" Corans plea fell on deaf ears. Lance was already out of the door and sprinting down the hall way.

"I'm not a 7th wheel!" Lance kept shouting as he ran to get suited up and launched into battle. Lance boarded blue, but nothing happened.

"Blue come on! We need to go!" Lance shouted, urgently moving the thrusters back and forth. "I said WORK!" Lance screamed at blue. Blue started up begrudgingly and flew out of the cockpit.

"Thata girl" lance praised the robotic lion, "now let's kill some Galra shit faces!" Lance cheered as he thrusted the blue lions thrust mechanism into full throttle. Lance flew through the small space gap and joined in the group of worried teens/young adults.

"'Sup guys" lance said into the communication lines. He checked his lions systems and her charge.

"Lance!? What are you doing up already!?" Pidge yelled excitedly, her blood was boiling but the sighs of relief in her mind took over her anger. "Your supposed to be resting" she said blasting a single galra fighter.

"Well change of plans!" Lance said, he swerved around 4 Galra and blasted them. He smirked, his vengeance has begun. Lance made a triple duck under two galra and shot them from behind again. Lance had gotten faster and more accustomed to his new found determination to kill Galra. He raced around the rest of the team, as if he has been doing this for years.

Everyone didn't complain when they saw Lance doing a better job then he normally does. He didn't miss as many shots or bump into the other paladins. Keith was the only one with a sour face, an attitude.

"Hey! Shit-for-brains!? What's gotten into you?" Keith shouted at Lance.

"What do you mean? I'm doing my job!" Lance yelled back.

"Well for starters, your not such a screwup anymore, and, you arnt even cracking jokes or singing God awful beyoncé an shakira songs" Keith protested.

"Well I'm sorry I've seen enlightenment and you haven't" lance taunted. "AND MY WAIFUS ARE NOT 'GOD AWFUL'!" Lance protested to Keith's little spat.

'Atleast it's still Lance' Shiro heaved a heavy breath, that he was for some reason holding?

"So Lance? Are you sure your alright? You probably just woke up" Shiro asked the blue paladin.

Our Ball of Sunshine [(Klance), (Crazy!Lance AU) Voltron fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now