chapter 9 : Hallucagins

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"LANCE" Keith screamed into the communication lines at him. He raced after Lance into the mob of Galras and slashed them in half.

"Please answer me!" He screamed with a scared face. He nose was scrunched up and his eyebrows furrowed tightly. He used his special weapon and shot nearly one-third of the remaining fleet. In this mix of it, he saw blue floating into space, aimlessly.

'She must have over-worked herself' Keith said to himself, he raced over to her and tried to connect with Lance.

behind the two paladins, the rest of the team were taking care of the stragglers. A few light shows lit off behind red and blue.

"Lance, answer me!" Keith said loudly into a private communication line to blue.

"Come on Lance, talk about your shitty Cuban family! Or the beach! Even how much you miss corn chips!" Keith pleaded, he squeezed his thrusters and turned them up then forward banging his lion into Lance.

Blue had stopped moving in the hard collision and shutdown, her power was completely drained and she was far from good. Keith latched onto the blue lion and raced back to the castle. The rest of the team finished quickly after and followed Keith and Lance. Keith dropped lance off in his part of the hangar, Keith sat back in his chair and exhaled sharply. He jumped up and ran out of red and tried to get into blue. 

"Blue! open up, we need to get Lance out!" 

Not a single movement from the giant space lion. 

"Open up! come on!" Keith ran up yelling at her holding his arms open wide. outside the door, the rest of the team stood with their helmets off and with concerned looks.


"Yes, Shiro?" Allura said sadly, she was looking down, in front of blues door along with Coran and the rest of the team.

"You're the only person we can rely on" he reached over and softly touched her shoulder. She jumped slightly and looked over her shoulder at him.

"..." she reached up and touched his hand just as softly.

"Ill try Shiro," she whispered.

Shiro removed his hand from her stiff shoulder. Allura inhaled then exhaled, 

"Keith," Allura swayed to him, 

"What?!" he lashed back in a defensive position, "What can you even do?!" 

"Keith, just let Allura try at least," Shiro said from the doorway.

Keith stood straight, looking at blue he shifted his feet from wide to close together, his shoulders had slumped and he backed off going to the wall. He leaned back and folded his arms showing he didn't want to be interacted with. 

Allura started her connection to blue, "oh blue" she whispered to her, she placed her forehead against the lowered position of the lion. "please let me see Lance, he is hurt, I know you can feel his pain, his suffering, his anguish."

"..." the lion lowered her head slightly as if agreeing with Allura.

"blue, please let us see Lance? we can help him, whatever he is going through we can help him!" Allura said with such hope and wistfulness, her eyes and her spirit trembled waiting for the answer from blue.

".. Allura I don't thi-"

blue lights started to swirl around Allura, her hands glowed with quintessence. She was trying to forcefully open blue. Everyone rushed to her and grabbed her.

"Allura stop! don't do this!" Coran ushered her. She resisted strongly from the groups hold on her. She kept on trying.

"Allura," Shiro said with a voice full of worry, "Let go, there is nothing you can do"

"Yes, there is, I can feel our connection!" She wept tear in her eyes, she could feel the sadness that blue felt, the lion was crying and mourning very deeply for Lance. She didn't yield her paladin to be let go. She was very much like a mother not willing to give up her sick child.

Finally, Allura was pried from the lion, her eyes puffy and red.

"She was crying, she was so sad" Allura whispered to everyone. 

"..." No one wanted to talk at the moment, they merely walked her to her room and let her rest.

3 days had passed since Lance had been stuck in blue, everyone was finding ways to open her up, but no one was able to, so they just waited for her to open up herself. It was the only thing that they could do.

Pidge was in the healing room, their computer was sitting on top of a makeshift tower of books while she worked and studied the pods. She grumbled and sat down in front of her computer, she continued typing swiftly until she heard the door open with a 'swish' sound. 

  "Yo, Pidge, I think I kind of blacked out, out there, did everything go well?" she gasped and turned around, several papers flew around from being knocked over by the quick action.

"Lance!" She screamed loudly, she was about to jump up and give lance a big hug. But she didn't because of the face that Lance made. He was scared. He was terrified of her.

Pidge spotted a small dribble of the black ooze drops out of Lance's nose. 'It wasn't gone!?' Pidge thought to herself. she jumped up and tried to grabbed Lance. Lance jumped back and yelled something. She didn't pay attention she was focused on grabbing Lance and shoving him in the pod she was preparing for him.

Pidge fell and tried to run after lance, but Lance escaped and ran out of the room and down the hall. 

'quick Pidge think! think think think!'

She rummaged around the room and found her communicator. 'Hunk!'

"Hunk! Lance is on his way to you! grab him immediately!" She commanded quickly to him.

In the kitchen area, Hunk laid his head down on the counter space between the goo-gun and some more counters. Hunk had puffy eyes and a lime green looking cake in front of him, of course, the cake had been remade 4 times in celebration when lance leaves blue. Hunk always loved seeing Lance eat his food with joy, and space cake was no exception to this. on the other side of the room, Hunk heard his communicator go off.

  "Hunk! Lance is on his way to you! grab him immediately!" at first Hunk didn't get the message but as the seconds passed he slowly got it and jumped into action. Before he could grab the device to warn other a loud 'SWOOSH' shattered the panicked silence hunk brewed in.

  "My bro, my Brotha from anotha motha, Hunk, please tell me your normal" Lance begged he walked over to the counter and put his hand down. Hunk turned around slowly and saw a slow stream of a black-blood like an ooze, drip from Lances chin onto the table. Hunk made the wrong decision and yelled.

"Lance!, I'm so glad to see you! I made this cake! doesn't this bring you Happiness?"

[ no beta this time guys,...

boy is this awkward! well, from what I can see at the dates, eherm.. it has been a while! so here is my gift to you guys! 1100 words v^v, I swear to get the next chapter out before Christmas. and this is the longest hiatus that I have been on since 3 years ago,, ill also be updating lots of stories and actually putting out some new ones. so be ready for that... besides that, I have nothing else on my mind that may be important at the moment. so have a peachy day my golden stars!!]

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