chapter 5: the painstaking process

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[Warning, this fanfiction has swearing in it, please read at your discretion!]

"NononoNONONONOOOO!" Lance screamed as he was being dragged by giant vines deeper into the cave. Every rock, he felt it. Every bump, he felt it. His arm and head were becoming worse in condition, the dragging and pulling on is arms hurt. The way that they were dragging him was by his arms and it was very uncomfortable to say the least.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! Don't touch my face!" Lance thrashed around. Every time lance looked in front of him he saw his family walking after him, some dragging themselves on the floor because they have only one or no legs. Some had to be left behind to moan and holler, because they had neither arms or legs to support themselves.

"O-oh my god.." Lance sobbed as he had to watch in horror his family shuffle an moan in pain from moving.

"SOME ONE SAVE ME!! PLEASE!" Lance cried out, his vision became blurry and suddenly he couldn't talk anymore, a rapid and sudden wave of black ooze had begun being poured onto his wounds.


Lance couldn't stop screaming, sometimes his voice would crack, his body twisting and turning in pain as the monsters kept dumping ooze onto Lance. After what felt like hours, the pain would stopped.

"Dear...God.. thank-" Lance got into a coughing fit, his head bending forward as he coughed up bits and puddles of the black ooze from his lungs and throat.

"Please! Stop this! God save me!" Lance would scream in between coughs and convulsing. The coughing stopped and he just let go.

'Why me!? It's always fucking me!'

'"Oh no, lance got hurt, good thing no one else was hurt"'

'"lance got a concussion and a broken arm? But wait!? Pidge got a fucking headache!? Better put her in a healing pod, lance can just walk it off"'

lances monologues went on and on, his sadness and depression catching up to him with every word and though he conjured. His eyes had been stung by the dirt and salt in his tears, not able to wipe away the problem. All he could was cry some more, and hope it washed away.

"Lance, we're so proud you got into garrison!"

"Dammit Tion! How are we gonna pay these bills!? Why'd you have to go to those loan sharks!?"

"Lance, when ya come back, let's go get some burgers down the road!"

"Urg, I owe that fucking place to much money, wish lance just only graduated mama!"

"Lance, lance! Teach me how to fly when you come back!"

"Grow up! Lance is gonna die sooner or later there anyway Michael!"

"Lance, take this, I saw you eyeing it at the forever 21 place"

"Mama! What do I do? I stole it, they'll come for me sooner or later! What do I do!?"


"Go die, you asshole"

"Lance, no matter what, we hate you"

"Heh, how can I still go on if my family hates me?" Lance chocked on a lump in his throat, 'ever since that night..'

Lance let go on everything, he let his head sink into the black ooze, his ears being submerged, the ooze somehow, felt as if it squished it's ways into his ears. A sudden jolt of disgust and pain resonated through lances body. He arched his back upward and kicked at the dead earth beneath him.

Our Ball of Sunshine [(Klance), (Crazy!Lance AU) Voltron fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now