chapter 7: "that day" in the healing pod

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[Quick note](spoilers)
[Oh my goodness guys! Voltron season three! And space daddy is back \;v;/, but his floof, ahh, his poor floof, and all the moments that Lance and Keith touched ;;^;; tears rolled then at midnight, anyway sorry for interrupting your reading,, I needed to get that out of me, have fun..!€« 6 -v- 9]

"Is he okay?"

"Will he live?

"Can he breath?"

"He can breath right?"

Keith went on and on to Allura, the others watched some what perplexed by how nonchalant Keith was, his arms were folded, he was somewhat slouching, and his entire body language screamed, "I'm "XX", so back the fuck up".

Hunk had carried Lance into his lion, Shiro said 'it was the best way because if anything happens Hunk can barge through and protect Lance the most'.

Shiro was right in the end, the flower creature put up quite the fight to keep Lance with it. Nearly the entire ground had collapsed in the air pocket inside the planet, Pidge had to shoot her "plant" Canon at the flower to tame it. The monster had no weakness to fire or blunt force, so Pidge took action and Allura had quickly gotten them out of there.

"Hunk? How's Lance?" Shiro called through the communication line.

"I don't know, I haven't been able to check yet," Hunk said to Shiro.

"Then check him, dammit," Keith said angered, "we need to know he's at least alive?!"

"Keith, can you like, not be so Kim Kardashian for just one fucking second?" Pidge told Keith, "cause right now I can just hear you saying, 'how could say that? Like you know how I feel! and you put me in such an uncomfortable situation'" Pidge smirked trying to pull a Lance.

"Pidge.. not now" Hunk said as they waited to be pulled out of the ground.

"Sorry.." Pidge apologized, she looks down at her lion. A sudden thought ran through her head.

'Wait, if I can reverse the speech, then fast forward the video I can..." as she spoke her idea in warp speed she pulled up the video of Lance, she also pulled up the hub communication line on the blue lion.

"Shiro? Is the blue lion still online?" Pidge asked.

"Yeah, she's just about fully booted back up"

"That's great!" Pidge said, she went through the lions emergency system cameras Pidge put on all the lions, her motive was that if anything happened to the paladin or if someone got lost, they could shut off their lion and alert the emergency cameras.

Pidge pulled up the rear and the frontal camera. Her face was somewhat lifted, she pressed play... then pressed again... and again...and..again.

"Why isn't this shit working!?" Pidge screamed. Her voice went an octave higher as she screamed in anger and a just being pissed off manner.

"Pidge, those cameras were prototypes, remember? We need a source of power to play the feed that wasn't the lions" Hunk was right, Pidge even forgot to put in a source.

"Dammit" she whined, she slouched back in her cockpit. She looked around then to her screen that had everyone on it. She looked at Hunk, Keith, Shiro then to Lance that was just behind Hunk. "How much longer is this gonna take?"

"Just about a few more minutes Pidge, don't worry, we'll get Lance to a pod" Shiro reaffirmed them, "and if somehow something goes wrong we can alert the princess"

"Kay" Pidge responded. She sighed, letting a couple of chokes come out when she did. "What was that black ooze Lance wretched up anyway?"

"We're going to have to ask questions later Pidge, just focus on now," Keith said over the comms.

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