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Chapter 3

As darkness fell, we slowed and made camp. Soon after eating, Gimli was out snoring. Legolas remained quiet for a bit before retiring. Zara was laying behind me and I leaned against her, staring at the fire.

"Here," I looked up to see Aragorn handed me my necklace. "You wanted me to hand deliver this when it was over."

"It is not over, my dear Aragorn." I smiled. "Once the Ring has been destroyed, then you can return it if you wish." I stood, took the necklace and clasped it around his neck. I ignored Zara's snort as she stood and went over to the other horses. "My parents would often give each other the necklace before they went off on a mission or quest. It gave them a reason to make it back home. My mother was the one who gave it to me before Nicole and I went to Mirkwood to treaty. My mother told me that the two jewels symbolized wisdom, hope. And protection."

Aragorn grabbed my hand. "I will hold on to it."

I smiled before retreating back to my spot by the fire. Aragorn went over to Gandalf, who was staring at the night sky. I stared at the fire while listening to their conversation.

"The veiling shadow that glowers in the East takes shape. Sauron will suffer no rival. From the summit of Barad-dûr his Eye watches ceaselessly." Gandalf informs. "But he is not so mighty yet that he is above fear. Doubt ever gnaws at him. The rumor has reached him: the heir of Númenor still lives. Sauron fears you, Aragorn. He fears what you may become. And she he'll strike hard and fast at the world of men."

"How?" I asked not looking away from the flames.

"He will use his puppet Saruman to destroy Rohan. War is coming. Rohan must defend itself and therein lies our first challenge, for Rohan is weak and ready to fall. The King's mind is enslaved. It's an old device of Saruman's. His hold over King Théoden is now very strong."

"Meaning Sauron and Saruman are tightening the noose."

"But for all their cunning, we have one advantage." Gandalf paused. "The Ring remains hidden and that we should seek to destroy it has not yet entered their darkest dreams. And so the weapon of the enemy is moving towards Mordor in the hands of a hobbit. Each day brings it closer to the fires of Mount Doom. We must trust now in Frodo. Everything depends upon speed and the secrecy of his quest." Gandalf paused again. "Do not regret your decision to leave him. Frodo must finish this task alone."

"He is not alone." Aragorn said. "Sam went with him."

"Did he?" Gandalf didn't seem surprised. "Did he indeed? Good. Yes, very good."

It was silent after that. I laid back and looked up at the stars, wondering where Nicole was and how she was fairing. Then, I slipped into a dreamless slumber.


"Myrna," I shot awake and looked at Legolas. "It is time to go."

I nodded and gathered my things. I loaded it onto Zara. After waiting for the others to help Gimli onto his horse, I mounted Zara and we rode for Edoras.

As I saw Edoras getting bigger, we slowed.

"Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld," I told them. "There dwells Théoden, King of Rohan."

"You've been here before?" Legolas inquired.

"Many years ago," I nodded.

"Saruman's hold over King Théoden is now very strong," Gandalf warned. "Be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here."

"That wasn't always the case." I whispered as I watched a flag rip from a pole and land near Aragorn.

As we approached the hall, the villagers gave us weary looks, as if they don't trust us.

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