Let Them Come

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Chapter 11

(Aragorn's POV)

Brego kept to the smoother land as we journeyed to Helm's Deep. All of the sudden, Brego started getting jumpy.

"What troubles you?" I patted the horse's neck. He led me to a hill and as soon as we reached the top, I couldn't believe my eyes. An army of Uruk-hai that stretched past the horizon. Turning the reins, I got Brego to turn and I urge him into gallop.


As I approached the gate, they opened. The people gathered and murmured as Brego took me to the courtyard.

"Where is he?" I hear Gimli call as I dismounted. "Where is he? Get out of my way!" I look around and see people moving. "I'm gonna kill him." I finally see the dwarf come into view. He looks at me in disbelief. "You are the luckiest, cunningest, and the most reckless man I ever knew!" He came up and embraced me. "Bless you, laddie!"

I patted his back. "Gimli, where is the king?"

He pointed to the keep and I headed that way. As I climb the stairs, I ran into someone. Looking up, I find Legolas. He looks at me.

"Le abdollen. (You're late)." He looked me over and with a serious look on his face said, "you look terrible."

After a moment, we both laughed. I put my hand on his shoulder. He gets a little serious again and holds out his hand. Giving him a confused look, I took what was in his hand. I felt a soft smile form on my face as I lifted Myrna's necklace from his hand.

"Hannon le. (Thank you.)" I told him. He clasped my shoulder. "I have news for Théoden, go get Gimli."

Legolas nodded and went back the way I came while I pushed open the keep doors.

(Myrna's POV)

I was sharpening Orcrist when I heard the keep doors open. I didn't look up. The room grew quiet as footsteps approached me. I still didn't look up.

Suddenly, a hand came into view of the corner of my eye. Looking over briefly, I saw my necklace.

"Legolas, I told you," I sighed and went back to sharpening. "Only Aragorn is allowed to give that back to me." The hand stayed there. Huffing, I finally looked up. "Aragorn?"

He smiled softly. "I believe this is yours."

Hurrying to my feet, I stepped into his arms and buried my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Now I know how my mother felt when my father left for battle," I muttered into his chest.

"I'm here," he whispered in my ear. "I made a promise."

Taking one last inhale of his scent for reassurance, I stepped away from him. He put the necklace over my head and let it rest in the hollow of my throat. "Now, that promise has been fulfilled."

"For now," I smiled. "Now, it's my turn to return it to you."

"I gold you to that promise," the doors open again and Legolas comes in with Gimli and Éowyn. "You can fulfill that promise soon."

"Aragorn?" Théoden called. "You're alive."

Aragorn gently brushed my cheek before turning towards the king. "There is a great host coming from Isengard."

Théoden turned around. "A great host, you say?"

"All of Isengard has emptied."

"How many?"

"Ten thousand strong at least."

"Ten thousand?!" My eyes widened. Théoden turned towards Aragorn. I crossed my arms. "All Uruk-hai?"

Aragorn nodded.

"Uruk-hai?" Gamling was confused.

"It is an army bred for a single purpose." I explained.

"To destroy the world of Men," Aragorn finished. "They will be here by nightfall."

"If we hurry, we might be able to get everyone out." I suggested. "Riders will need to be on high alert the entire time. I just don't know where we would go. Gondor?"

"No," Théoden finally spoke. "Let them come." He walked out with Gamling.

Aragorn and I exchanged glances before following him. I motioned for Legolas and Gimli to come with.

"I am starting to think Saruman is still in him," I muttered, gaining a chuckle from Aragorn.

Long time! Sorry for the delay!

So, I realized that these stories don't fully add up. I think there are a lot of plot holes and not much character development. I am going to finish to the end of Return of the King and then I am going to start reworking everything. Just giving a head's up.

Much love,


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