Old Alliances

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Chapter 13-

Not too long after I entered the armory, did all the able villagers and my companions come to get weapons. Legolas and Gimli came immediately to my side while Aragorn walked around and inspected the men.

"Farmers, farriers, stable boys," Aragorn explained when he approached us. "These are no soldiers."

"Most have seen too many winters," Gimli noticed.

I locked my eyes on a young boy, "or too few."

Legolas looked at them all before shaking his head. "Look at them." He gestured to them. "They're frightened. I can see it in their eyes."

"Legolas!" I hissed as the room went silent. I put my hand on his shoulder.

He shrugged me off. "Boe a hyn neled herain...dan caer menig! (And they should be. Three hundred...against ten thousand!)"

"Si beriathar hyn ammaeg na ned Edoras. (They have a better chance defending themselves here than in Edoras!)" Aragorn defended.

"Aragorn, meni ndagor. Aýn ú ortheri. Natha daged aen! (They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!)" Legolas said harshly.

"Then I shall die as one of them!" Aragorn stated.

"Boys!" I stepped between them. "You are both scaring the villagers. Let them have their hope." I grabbed Aragorn's hand. "You need air." I led him outside. As soon as we were there, he went down a couple steps and sat down. I let him have his space.

"Give me your sword," I hear Aragorn say. I looked at him and a young boy. "What is your name?"

"Háleth," the boy answered. "Son of Háma, my lord," he paused. "The men are saying that we will not live out the night. They say that it is hopeless."

I watched as Aragorn stood and swung the sword around. "This is a good sword, Háleth, son of Háma." He handed it back to the boy before setting a hand on his shoulder. "There is always hope."

I smiled as he sent the boy off and climbed up the stairs. "There is always hope?" I questioned.

"A friend always said that." Aragorn motioned for me to go inside. "If you are fighting, you need better armor."

Aragorn led me to the armor and we both started suiting up. I attached the belt that held Orcrist and my twin daggers and let it rest on my hips. I looked over at Aragorn. I saw his arm wound and noticed that he was going to leave it undressed.

"Wait," I stopped him from putting on his mail. "We should at least wrap it." I grabbed a cloth. "May I?"

Aragorn nodded and rolled up his sleeve.

I found a clean cloth and gently wrapped it around his wound. "I would treat it properly but we don't have time." I gave a small smile. "You should have let someone treat it when Legolas and I asked." I tied the cloth tight enough that it would hold but loose enough that the blood would still flow through his arm.

"I'm sorry," Aragorn gently took my hand. "Are you sure you wish to fight?"

"Of course, we need as many people fighting as we can." My thoughts went to Éowyn should be fighting too. She knows how."

"Her people will need someone looking out for them should their king fall. Myrna, I wish you would go to the caves."

"Did you not hear Éowyn's words earlier about why we stay?" I murmured. "Besides, I will not stand by and watch another kingdom fall." I went over to my quiver and made sure it was full of arrows. "At least we had a warning."

Aragorn sighed and walked over to me. He gently cupped my face. "Be careful, and if you should die, do not die in front of me."

I nodded, "the same for you."

He kissed my forehead and went back to put on his armor. I stood in shock and tried to focus on keeping my face from turning red. Thankfully Legolas came in to keep Aragorn and me from talking to each other.

Aragorn looked at the elf as Legolas handed him his sword.

"We have trusted you this far and you have not led us astray." Legolas looked ashamed. "Forgive me. I was wrong to despair."

Aragorn smiled. "U-moe edamed, Legolas. (There is nothing to forgive.)"

"I'm glad you two sorted that out," I patted both of their shoulders. "Now if we die, we die on good terms with our friends."

"If we had time, I'd get this adjusted." Gimli grumbled as he walked into the room, holding his chainmail. When he stopped, he let the mail fall and hit the ground. "It's a little tight across the chest."

"Let me help," I smiled and knelt on the floor to fix the length. As I finished, the sound of a horn came from outside. "I thought we still had some time!"

"That is no orc horn," Legolas smiled and rushed out of the armory. I slung my bow around my torso as I followed.

"We have come to honor that allegiance," I saw and heard Haldir talking to the king. I bounded down the steps with a smile on my face.

Aragorn reached him first. "Mae govannen, Haldir! (Welcome Haldir!)" They embraced briefly.

I cut in. "You are most welcome." I hugged him as well before stepping back. As Legolas embraced Haldir, I felt Aragorn link his smallest finger with mine.

"We are proud to fight alongside men once more." Haldir announced.


We are approaching the Battle of Helm's Deep! Hopefully I write it well enough.

Much love,


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