Aragorn's Path

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Chapter 6 –

(Aragorn's POV)

I watched as Myrna made her way over to her horse. When she laid down, I looked away.

"You seem troubled," Legolas and Gimli came up to me. "Is it Myrna?"

"I've never been able to read her," I sighed. "Even when we were small, she's always been guarded and grew more guarded when her kingdom was destroyed."

Gimli nodded. "Just gave her time, laddie."

I fell silent for a moment. "I asked Myrna this, why have you and Nicole not tried for children? I'm just wondering and all she told me was that Nicole didn't give her much of an answer. You two have been married for some time."

"Nicole wanted to wait until it was safe," he explained. "She had heard of the Ring being around but never saw it until Rivendell. We thought about it before then, but she still worries for Myrna. She doesn't want to settle into a place when Myrna is still roaming and, most likely, finding danger. Although, Nicole and I have agreed that, no matter what, after this war is over we would at least try."

"Why else would Nicole worry for Myrna?"

"Myrna is hiding herself, you could say. She knows where her path leads, but it scared her so she runs. She's afraid that if she followed her heart, then the same thing will happen that has happened before." Gimli explained.

"Meaning she's afraid she'll lose a lover?" I asked.

"That is something you will have to ask her, lad." Gimli patted her shoulder.


"Thank you for taking a walk with me," Arwen smiled.

"Of course, my lady," I returned the smile. "Is everything alright?"

"I worry," her voice lowered, "about Myrna?"

"What troubles you?"

"I fear she may do something drastic that leads her far away from her path. She is destined to reclaim a throne beside a king and rebuild the kingdom. She was born to be a queen and now she doesn't want that. You must help her, Aragorn."


"You and she were destined to be together. Claim her heart and together claim the throne. Help her become herself. That is your path."

"Dolen i vân onin. (My path is hidden from me.)"

"Si peliannen i vâd na dail lîn. Si bue ú-dhannathach. (It is already laid before your feet. You cannot falter now.)" She looked at me pleadingly. "Promise me, Aragorn. You will do this."

"I will give you my word."


"Aragorn," Legolas called the next morning. "We are getting ready to move."

I got up and look towards the hill. Myrna was petting Zara. She looks at me briefly before leading her horse away.

Have a great week!

Much love,


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