The Battle of Helm's Deep

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Chapter 14

Not long after Haldir and the other elves arrive, we found ourselves standing along the wall, staring into the darkness. Legolas and Gimli were standing on either side of me. We could hear the army approaching and we could see their torches, but we couldn't see them entirely. In the corner of my eye, I could see Gimli trying to see over the wall.

"Argh," he huffed. "You could have picked a better spot."

"You are not missing anything," I smirked, "yet."

I heard some of the other soldiers moving around so I looked in that direction to see Aragorn approaching. He stopped between myself and Gimli, his hand resting on my lower back.

"Well, lad, the luck you live by," Gimli grunted. "Let's hope it lasts the night."

A roll of thunder filled the air shortly after lightning flashed in the sky. That small flash was enough for us to see just how many we were up against. My eyes widened, but I didn't let anyone see my panic.

"Your friends are with you, Aragorn," Legolas tried to reassure.

"Let's hope they last the night," Gimli stated.

I made a point to hit the dwarf with my bow as I removed it from my back. "Sorry," I weakly apologized when the dwarf glared at me. I looked at the soldiers around me. "Talk to the men. Give them courage." I told Aragorn.

He nodded and went through our troops. "A Eruchîn, ú-dano i daelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faeles! (Show them no mercy for you shall receive none!)" I heard him tell the men as rain fell.

My eyes glanced along the front row of Uruks. They finally stopped. I let out a low whistle.

"What's happening out there?" Gimli struggled once again to see over the wall.

"Shall I describe it to you?" Legolas offered. "Or would you like me to find you a box?"

I snorted in attempt to keep in my laughter. Gimli looked at the elf and laughed.

I heard the command to nock and aim my arrow. I brought the feathers to rest near my cheek and waited for the command to let it fly. A few yards from me, I see an Uruk fall down, dead.

"At least the villagers have aim," I mutter as I hear Aragorn yell, "dartho! (Hold!)"

It was quiet, save for a roll of thunder and the rain hitting the stone and steel. Finally, the Uruk-hai roared and charged.

"Faeg i-varv dîn na lanc a nu ranc. (Their armor is weak at the neck and under the arms.)" Legolas informed the elves surrounding us.

"I wonder if a dwarf, an elf, or a woman will kill more Uruks," I casually spoke.

Gimli laughed. "You're not going to get more than me, lassie."

"We'll see," I smirked. "I get to hit them first." That wiped the smile right off of his face.

"Leithio i philinn! (Fire!)" Aragorn called.

I released my arrow and smirked as the Uruk fell to the ground. I didn't hesitate to load another arrow.

"Anybody hit anything?" Gimli asked.

"I did," I replied as I loosed another arrow. "And again." Another arrow. "And there's another."

Gimli growled in annoyance. "Come on! Send them to me!"

I hear a hissing sound as an arrow flies over my head. I see an eld fall from the wall. I aim my next arrows for the Uruk archers. As I release the arrow, I noticed a group carrying something towards us.

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