Me? Jealous?

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Chapter 4

I stood in silence next to Éowyn as Théodred's body was carried to the tomb. As he got closer, she began to sing an ancient mourning song of Rohan. I didn't pay much attention to what she was saying. I was focused more on Aragorn as he stood by the king. His eyes flickered over to me for a moment then back to the tomb. My eyes looked down at the next on his neck.


"Mryna, may I have a moment?" I paused my task of loading my pack onto Zara's saddle and turned to my mother. I smiled and waited patiently for her to speak. She returned my smile and presented her bow to me. "This is yours."

"Mother," I was at a loss for words.

"No arguing, please. I was waiting until your eighteenth year but today seemed more fitting." She placed in my hand before reaching around her neck and unclasping her pendant. "I want you to return this to me, upon your arrival."

"Just like dad does to you," I smiled. "It's the first thing he does."

"Just like that," she whispered and clasped it around my neck. She placed a kiss on my forehead. "Only you may return it to me."

"I will, mama, I promise."

"Now, off you go. You and Nicole have quite the journey to Thranduil's forest." She hugged me close. "You always have a place in my heart."

"And you in mine." I whispered back.


"Will you walk with me?" Éowyn's voice brought me back to reality.

I nodded and followed her back to the Great Hall. "I must admit, I almost didn't recognize you."

She laughed. "It has been some time. You look like you haven't aged a day!"

"Believe me, my dear. I have aged." I muttered.

"Have you been on any new adventures?" Her eyes lit up in hope.

I chuckled. "Since I saw you last? No. I returned to Dale and continued teaching the children what I could."

"You are on a journey with strange companions." Éowyn commented and I saw her eyes flicker to Aragorn who was walking around the town.

"Come, I shall introduce you," I walked over to where Legolas and Gimli were being returned their weapons. I smiled at the guard as he gently place mine before me on the table. "Thank you, Háma."

He smiled and walked away.

After I introduced her to everyone, she gave Gimli her full attention as he told her stories from the dwarven culture. Soon enough, someone brought food to us, and even Aragorn was sitting down and eating.

It felt like a normal meal for once.

Then, Théoden and Gandalf rushed in with children. I leapt to my feet and took the little girl from Gandalf.

"What happened?" I asked as Théoden sat the exhausted boy at a table. I turned to a servant. "Will you fetch food and blankets, please?" The servant nodded and rushed away. I saw the girl down next to who I assumed was her brother then knelt beside her. "Hello, I'm Myrna. What is your name?"

"Freda." She whispered.

"Freda, that's a beautiful name. And is this your brother?"

She nodded. "This is Éothan."

"Éothen," the boy looked at me. "You must be a wonderful big brother for taking care of your sister. Why don't you eat a bit and then tell me what happened?"

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