A Friendly Face

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Chapter 10 –

(Frodo's POV)

I blinked as my hood was removed. Sam and I looked around to find ourselves in a cave. An orange-haired man from earlier walked towards us.

"My men tell me that you are orc spies," the man said, ignoring a snort that came from behind me.

"Spies!" Sam explained. "Now wait a minute."

"Well, if you're not spies, then who are you?" The man sat down while someone walked up behind us. "Speak."

"We are hobbits of the Shire," I finally said after a moment of silence. "Frodo Baggins is my name and this is Samwise Gamgee."

"Your bodyguard?" the man smirked.

"His gardener," Sam retorted, trying to sound like a man.

"And where is your sulking friend?" I felt my face pale. "That gangrel-creature. He had an ill-favored look."

"There was no other." I replied and regained my composure. "We set out from Rivendell with nine companions. One, we lost in Moria. Two were my kin. A dwarf there was also; and an elf; and two men: Aragorn, son of Arathorn and Boromir of Gondor." I paused, unsure of whether I should name the last two. "There were also two woman: Mryna, an archer of Trilya-"

"And me," I looked behind me to see Nicole was the one who walked up behind us. "Hello Frodo. Hello Sam."

"My lady," Sam sounded relieved to have finally meet a friendly and familiar face.

"You were a friend of Boromir?" The man retraced.

"Yes, for my part," I answered vaguely.

"It would grieve you, then, to learn that he is dead?"

"Dead?" I looked at Nicole in shock. "How? When?"

"We do not know, Frodo." Nicole walked around us to stand next to the man. "I left before that happened."

"As one of his companions, I had hoped you would tell me." The man glared at us.

"If something has happened to Boromir, we would have you tell us." I snapped at him.

Nicole raised an eyebrow, then sighed. "His horn washed up upon the riverbank and six days past. It was cloven in two." Nicole leaned against a table. "There is no question about it. He's dead."

"I know it in my heart." The man spoke. There was sadness in his voice and eyes.

"Frodo, Sam, meet Faramir of Gondor." Nicole introduced. "Boromir's brother."

I hope you were able to reconnect with an old friend or even meet a new one! I hope you filled with week with new and old memories.

Much love,


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