Leave the Dead

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Chapter 7 –

(Aragorn's POV)

"Sleep well?" I asked Myrna as we rode side by side.

"Yes, thank you," she smiled gratefully. "And you?"

"I did, thank you," I returned the smile.

"Something feels wrong," she whispered. "This trip seems too easy."

"Isn't that a good sign?" Éowyn asked coming up next to Myrna.

"Sometimes it can be, but most of the time, it's quite the opposite. I'm going to ride ahead." Myrna nudged Zara into a trot and headed to the front.

"Where is she?" Éowyn caught my attention from the retreating archer. I looked at her confused. She smiled softly but gesturing to my neck. "The woman who gave you that jewel?"

"She just trotted away."

"Myrna gave it to you," her eyes filled with sadness.

"Yes, in her village, it is said to have protection spells on it."

"Then why does she not wear it?"

"Tradition. She and I have been friends for a while. It is a promise. I am the only one who is allowed to return it to her. It is a promise that I will return to her."

"Why did she not give it to Nicole?" I caught a hint of jealousy.

"This tradition is between man and woman." I explained. "If she and I were separated, then I have this as a reminder of what I'm fighting for."

"You care for her?" Her voice sounded pained.

I nodded.

(Myrna's POV)

"What troubles you?" Háma asked as I approached.

"Surely Saruman would have been notified of our trek by now," I point out. "This journey seems far too easy."

Gamling nodded. "I had hoped that he would look passed us now."

I shook my head. "I'm going to ride ahead and scout."

"Allow us, my lady." Háma smiled and off they went.

I thought about returning to Aragorn when a loud scream echoed. I urged Zara forward and found Legolas killing a warg scout. Háma laid dead.

"A scout!" Legolas cried.

I turned Zara and raced back to Théoden, who met me halfway.

"What is it?" He asked, a hint of hope in his voice.

"Wargs," I reported. "We're under attack!"

"All riders to the head of the column," Théoden called which caused the villagers started panicking. "Myrna, take Éowyn and the villagers to Helm's Deep."

"Not a chance," I told him before letting Zara let me to the battle. I pass Aragorn and gave him a small nod. As Legolas is standing alone, he fires arrows then Gimli's horse appears and he swings himself onto the saddle. Thinking that it might be easier to stay alive, I unsheathed Orcrist and managed to slice off a scout's head as Zara raced up from behind. I noticed Gimli was being stalked by a warg but before I could get there, Legolas came up and shoot it as Gimli turned around.

"That one counts as mine!" Gimli called out frustrated before looking for the next one.

Noticing another ugly step cousin of a wolf approaching the dwarf, I urged Zara closer and I run my blade along the flank. It fell on Gimli.

"Sorry Gimli!" I called as I went for another scout, trying to keep a clearing around the dwarf. I stab the side of another warg and watch it fall on Gimli as well. This time, I laughed. The fighting seemed like it went on all day. As the wargs ran off, I dismounted and went over to the fallen dwarf.

"You did that on purpose," Gimli grumbled.

"I would do no such thing and you know it," I groaned as I pushed the warg off. "Come on, let's look for our friends."

As we got closer to the group, I heard Legolas shouting, "Aragorn!"

"Aragorn?" Gimli echoed.

Feeling my heart sink into my stomach, I stopped and circled around, trying to find some sort of sign. A faint laughing caught my attention and I looked around to find the source when I found Gimli holding his axe to a dying orc's throat.

"Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing," I heard Gimli offer as I approached.

"He's dead," the orc's laughter turned into violent coughing. "He took a little tumble off the cliff."

My blood turned into ice. "No," I ran to the edge of the cliff and started scanning the rushing river below, as well as along the cliff walls. A hand gently touched my shoulder, jolting me back to my surroundings. Tilting my head slightly, Legolas was holding out his hand. I caught a glimpse of something familiar and I swallowed my cry as I looked at the pendent. "Only Aragorn is supposed to give this to me." I turned away from it. "No one else. Not yet."

"Get the wounded on horses," I hear Théoden says from behind me. "The wolves of Isengard will return." He pauses and I can feel his eyes on me. "Leave the dead."

I turned around to face him, glaring. "Aragorn is not dead. I know he isn't. I can feel it."

Théoden just looks at me sadly. "Come."

I shake my head, but Legolas wraps an arm around my waist and gently pulls me away from the cliff. My eyes never leaving the edge.

Hope your life is going well.

Much love



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