Chapter Five - Scars

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I lay there on the cold floor, breathing slowly and slowly slipping out of consciousness. I could hear Aston outside the room talking to the other henchmen probably. I looked to my left and saw the door to get out of here. I was only a couple of meters away from it, and I think I have enough energy to get to it. If I can at least open the door Aston will hopefully notice me and help me. So I started dragging my body across the room, wincing in pain as I did. Behind me was a trail of blood, caused by me dragging myself. I was loosing a lot of blood and need help fast. Finally I reached the door, only problem is now I have to open it. I reached up for the handle so I could pull myself up to stand. Everything hurt, and I was covered in blood. With all the energy I had left, I pulled myself up. I stood up on both feet and balanced for a bit. When I was ready I turned the handle and the door swiftly opened. Yes. I went to step forward but I fell down. But something caught me. Correction, someone. I slowly lifted my head to see Joker. He...he came back. Why? Probably just to torture me even more. He lifted me up and started walking down the hallway and into another room. Where are we? "No.. no more...p-please..." I whispered, unsure if he actually heard me. He must of because he laid me down on something soft. A bed? As he put me down I started to get scared of what he was going to do next. But he just sat next to me, staring down at me. I stared at his face and realised something I never thought Joker would be. The look on his face, it was guilt. I don't think I will ever understand this freak. Five minutes ago he was acting like the psychopath he is, now he's all caring. What the heck?! "Why are you helping me?" I asked softly after a few minutes of silence. He just stared down at me. I realised his eyes are an icy blue colour, exactly like mine. "Please, say something." I sighed, my eye lids getting heavier I was almost asleep. "You should get some rest, we have things to do tomorrow." He said, getting off the bed and walking towards the door. He stopped in the doorway, as if he was expecting me to say something. Why would I thank him if he's the reason why I'm injured in the first place? "I'll get Aston to bring you some dinner." He sighed, leaving the room. I lied on the bed, lost in thought. Why the heck did he come back? No way could he feel sorry for me, the clown has no emotions. Right?

I lay there on the bed, staring around the room. The walls are painted a dark shade purple, and the king sized bed I'm currently laying on has purple and green covers and smells like gunpowder. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. The room looked kinda dusty, as if no one has been in here for a while. I wonder if he even sleeps at night? "Hey Maddie, you okay?" Aston asked, opening the door. I turn my head to look at him, and noticed the worried look on his face. "Hey. Um yea I'm fine. A little sore but fine." I smiled at him. "I'm guessing your little meeting with him didn't go so well." He chuckled, placing a tray on the bedside tabled next to me. On it was a plate of wedges, two small bowls one with sour cream and the other with sweet chili sauce, and a glass of lemonade. I nodded at Aston's comment and slowly sat up, slightly wincing as I did so. I grabbed one of the wedges and took a bite out of it, and it tasted pretty good. "This is delicious, thanks." I said, taking another bite. "Don't thank me, Joker prepared it for you." I nearly choked on my food at what he said. The Joker made this? Why all of a sudden is he being nice? I would have expected a bowl of slop to come from him, not this. "Where's Harley?" I asked him, breaking the silence. I need to tell her everything that's going on, she'll know what to do. "Her, Joker and the men are out doing god knows what." Aston sighed, sitting on the bed next to me. "How come you didn't go with them?" He looked over at me and smiled. "Joker told me to stay here and make sure you're okay." This clown is giving me a headache. Why does he care if I'm okay or not? I have so many questions for him when he gets back. "I've never been in the spare room before, none of the other men have either." Aston said, gazing around the room. I started giggling at him. "This isn't the spare room, this is Joker's room." I said, trying to contain my giggles. He immediately jumped off the bed. "Um, I'll be back soon. Call out if you need anything." He said, walking towards the door. "Thanks Aston." I called out before he left the room.

It had been a couple of hours and I had finally regained my energy to get up and walk around. Aston had given me a small tour of the house, showed where a few rooms are. At the moment I was in the kitchen having a glass of water. When suddenly the front doors burst open and Joker stormed in. He didn't even noticed me standing in the kitchen. He just stormed up the stairs, into his office I'm guessing. Curiosity got to the best of me, so I cautiously followed him up. The door to his office was slightly open, enough for me to see inside. He was sitting at his desk, picking at his left arm with a pair of tweezers. His whole arm and hand was covered in blood, that's when I realised he was injured. Or more specifically shot. I tried my best to contain my laughter at how he was trying to get the bullet out. Amateur. Doesn't he realise that if he does it like that he will loose a whole lot more blood? I opened the door completely but he hadn't realised. "You're doing it all wrong." I sighed, leaning against the doorway with my arms crossed. His head shot up, and an annoyed look was plastered on his face. "Oh really, and what makes you the expert?" He asked, looking back down at his now completely red arm. "I've been shot 17 times. 17 times! I think out of the both of us here,  i'm the more experienced one on how to get a bullet out. Now hand me the tweezers." I demanded as I walked over to him. He gave me the tweezers and turned his body so I could get it out. I stuck the tweezers into his arm, and he didn't even flinch. I could feel him staring at me, staring down at me as I helped him. Why am I helping him? Why am I helping the guy who had just tortured me? I have no idea. Once I was finished I grabbed the first-aid-kit that was on the floor next to me. I stitched up the wound and wrapped a bandage around his arm, careful not to hurt him. Once I finished I looked up at him, his face only a few inches away from mine. We stared into each other's icy blue eyes, frozen in place. "Um, I'm uh...I'm done." I whispered, breaking the stare and looking down at the ground. I heard him sigh loudly, then get out of his chair. I looked up at him and he was heading towards the door. "Follow me." He said simply, with no emotion on his face. I did as he said and followed him out of the office, down the stairs and back into his room.

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