Chapter Fourteen - Swimming In Chemicals

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"Joker! It was you who sent them here wasn't it? You sent them to take those files off me. Well, you're going to regret that." Harvey shouted down to Joker, pulling a something out of his blazer pocket. Once he pulled it out for everyone to see I realised what it was, a small silver box with a black button. A remote that controls god knows what. I guess this is why I had that nervous feeling before we came in. I looked over at Harley, who for some strange reason looked very excited. She enjoys this stuff way too much. I then looked down at Jack, who also for some strange reason looked pretty calm, as if this was all part of a plan. I then realised Aston, Jonny and two other goons were standing by Joker's side. Aston was looking up at me and looked pretty worried. At least someone around here cares about this situation. "Hey Maddie." Harley whispered to me, though it was pretty loud and wouldn't be surprised if anyone else heard her. "Look up." I did as she said. The ropes we were hanging upside down from were attached to two separate hooks, and my guess is that when Harvey pushes that button those hooks are gonna detach and we'll fall. "When Harv pushes the button, you're gonna fly us outta here." She explained. No way, I can't do that. If I do, all these people will find out about my wings, including Joker. But if I don't, Harley and i will drown. Knowing that we both can't swim, and having our hands and feet tied up doesn't help either. "Right?" She asked, sounding slightly worried. "Harley I..." I didn't finish my sentence, what was the point. She knew what I was going to say. "Oh come on Harvey, you know that if I wanted something from you, which I don't, I would have either sent my men to do it, or just do it myself." Joker said casually, walking towards the stairs that lead up to the platforms. I could faintly hear Two-Face growling of annoyance. "Take one more step, they both drop. Stay where you are, and only one drops." Harvey shouted to Joker. After hearing that he immediately stopped walking. This is it, one of us is definitely gonna die. Out of the same pocket, Harvey pulled out a coin. "Heads for Angel, and tails for Harley."

I looked back down at Joker, who to my surprise now looked worried. And was staring right up at me. Doesn't he care if Harley falls? Probably not, considering it's him. I was feeling really dizzy now, and felt myself slowly slipping out of consciousness. Harvey positioned the coin on his fingers, then flipped it. I held my breath, eager to know who's gonna die. I heard Harley do the same, and I even think I heard Jack hold his breath too. Selina, wherever you are now would be a really good time to come in and kick Harvey's ass. As the coin dropped, Harvey caught it with his hand and flipped it into his hand, covering it. Harley and I looked at each other, I was mentally telling her how much I care about her and that she will always be my best friend. Harvey removed his hand and the coin landed on.... heads. God dammit. He held up the coin so everyone could see, including Jack. "Well, looks like Angel's going swimming in chemicals." Harvey smiled as he pushed the button. I heard the rope detach from the hook, and I started falling. Falling to my death. I could faintly hear Harley, Jack and Aston shouting out my name. I hit the cold acids and felt myself sink to the bottom. I could also feel the ropes disintegrating around my hands and feet. I suddenly remembered from past experiences here, that the vaults weren't actually that deep. Once I sunk to the bottom I pushed my legs against the ground and pushed myself to the surface. I reached for the side of the vault and pulled myself up, feeling the air on my face. I'm alive, and I didn't need to use my wings.

I looked up at everyone, and they looked like they had seen a ghost. Well, I guess they're surprised that I survived that. I've done it before, I can do it again. I looked over at Jack and he looked shocked, and slightly relieved. I had no energy, so I couldn't pull myself out. "Alright Harvey, you've had your fun. We'll be leaving now." Jack shouted toward him, laughing a little bit. I could faintly hear Harvey growl, then he turned around, walked up a few stairs and disappeared into a room. All his goons followed him up and into the same room. Now it is just Harley hanging above me, Jack quickly making his way towards me, and myself holding the edge of the vault trying to avoid falling back in. So yea, life's pretty good right now. Not! "Hey Harls, maybe we should hang out after this." I called up to her, trying to loosen the awkward silence in the factory. I could briefly hear her laughing from above me. When Jack finally got over to me, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me out. I just dropped to the floor cause my legs were a bit numb. That's when I realised how white my skin was. My legs, my arms, everywhere. I mean I was pale before, but now I would say I'm nearly just as pale as Jack. "Maddie...your's..." "yea I know." I mumbled, standing up because the numbness in my legs had gone. Jack grabbed both of my hands and held them in his, his warm hands touching my cold ones. "Angel you really scared me. I told you to stay at the hideout." We stood there staring into each other's icy blue eyes. His eyes were mesmerizing, I could just melt right where I was standing. "I know, and I'm sorry. I really am." I sighed, dropping my head to look at the concert floor. He gently grabbed my chin and lifted my head so that our eyes met again. He moved his head closer so that our foreheads were resting on each other and our noses touching. I then wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, I don't know why I did that but for some reason it just felt right. Then I did something absolutely crazy. I pressed my lips against his, his surprisingly soft lips. I was about to pull away, but I stopped myself when he kissed back. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me even closer. I don't know why, but I never wanted this moment to end.

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