Chapter Eight - Havoc

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"Can we make a quick stop at my apartment, I need to grab my suit and my gear." I asked as we drove through Gotham in Selina's black car. "Sure." Selina quickly looked back at me from the drivers seat. Her and Ivy were in the front, while Harley and I were sitting in the back. I directed Selina to my apartment and she parked right in for the of it. "I won't be too long." I got out of the car and ran up to my apartment. For some strange reason the door was unlocked. I bet someone has broken in or something. I opened the door and walked inside, but everything was exactly as I left it. But I swear I locked the door when I left to meet Floyd. I went into my room and pulled two boxes from underneath my bed. One had my black leather suit, black combat boots and black eye mask, and the other had my guns and a few knives. I quickly got changed and tied my hair up in a high ponytail, a few loose strands hanging down in front of my face. I put guns in two of my holsters around my shoulders, and slipped a few knives in some of the many pockets I have on my pants.I looked around my room. This could be the last I've I come back here, so I better pack some stuff to take back with me. I grabbed my phone which I had thankfully left behind last night. I also grabbed some of my clothes, a few photos of me and my family, a necklace and bracelet Jacob had given me for my 18th birthday, my skateboard, and a small blue teddy bear. Yea I know what you're thinking, 'um Maddie, I thought you were 22, not 3. Why do you even have it?' Well my biological parents gave me this bear, and it's the only thing I have left of them. And I'm not leaving this behind. I put all the stuff into a backpack and headed for the exit. Before I opened the door to leave, I took one last look  at the apartment. For me right now, it's like saying good bye to the house you grew up in. Saying goodbye to all thoughts memories. Even though I haven't been in this place for very long, I'm still gonna miss it. Now instead of living here, I get to live with a psychotic clown in his warehouse. Yay.

I got back into the car and Selina sped back out to the main road. "So ladies what shall it be? Bank? Jewellery shop? Clothes store?" Pam asked, looking back at me and Harley. "I think Angel should choose." Selina said, smiling at me through the rear mirror. Well, the jewellery nor the clothes store interest me, so bank it is. "Lets go with Gotham Bank. I know for a fact the guards there haven't seen me in a while." I said, turning my head to look out at the city. Gotham is always so quiet at night. I guess everyone is afraid of encountering any criminals such as ourselves. "Bank it is." Harley said excitedly. This will be the first time I do a crime with someone else in a while, or rather someones. I always work alone now. Mainly because I like getting things done myself, and also I don't want other people to get involved in the crap I have. Once we arrived at the bank we parked in an alley way next to it. Before we went in Selina got changed into her suit, which was kinda similar to mine, that she had ready in the boot of the car. But Ivy and Harley stayed in the clothes they were in. "Alright girls, are we gonna come up with a plan or just go with it?" Ivy asked, leaning against the car. "Let's just go with it, it's more fun that way." Harley giggled, resting her arm on my shoulder. We nodded our heads and made our way to the entrance of the bank. It was nearly midnight so of course the bank would be closed. Two guards were posted outside the doors. I handed Harley one of my guns, so at least she had something to attack with. Catwoman had her whip, and Ivy had her plants. "Okay Angel, wanna shot those guards?" Selina asked, pointing at the two men. I nodded my head and pulled out my gun. I raised it up so it was level with their heads, and within two seconds they were both lying lifeless on the ground, laying in a pool of their own blood.

We all broke the glass doors down and walked inside. Alarms instantly starting going off, which would alert the police that we were breaking in. Three more guards comes running towards us, they must obviously have a death wish. Harley killed two of them, and Selina killed the other. "Alright ladies, lets go get our money." Pam smiled evilly as we stepped over the dead bodies. We reached the vault, which had another four guards standing outside it. When they saw us they pulled out their guns, but once they realised who we were they dropped their guns and stood their as if they were statues. "Listen to me good, boys. You open this vault for us, and we'll let you live. If you disobey us, you will die. Understood?" Harley demanded. I looked over at Harley, she was never like this before. If Harleen was in this situation, she wouldn't have done anything but just stood there frozen, blabbering on about how what we are doing is wrong and what would happen if we got caught. Then again Harleen would never put herself in a situation like this, ever. One of the men turned around and opened the vault for us. We walked in with huge smiles on our faces. Imagine you've just won like a billion dollars, that's what it feels like for us right now, except it's not that much. Conveniently there were a few bags on the floor, so we picked them up and started stuffing the money inside. We needed to be quick, or other wise... "Put the money back and surrender now."

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