Chapter Nine - Batsy Always Gotta Ruin The Fun

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We turned around to see the one and only Batman standing in the doorway. "Piss off Bat, we're just having a girls night out." I said, turning back around and continuing putting the money in the bag. I looked up at Selina to see her with a shocked look on her face, but then she just turned around and did exactly as I was. "Girls night out you go to a night club or something, this is just stealing from a bank." He said in a deep voice, taking a step towards us. I know that his voice isn't really that deep, because I know who Batman really is. Bruce Wayne. I mean think about it, whenever Batsy comes out Bruce disappears. I turned back around and aimed my gun right at him, but took another step towards us. "Why does Batsy always gotta ruin the fun?" Harley starting shooting him, but somehow he dodged the bullets. That's when I started shooting at him, making it a little harder for him. Catwoman pulled out her whip and lashed it around his ankles, making him tumble to the ground. But as he tried to get up, Ivy kissed him making him paralysed. We took this as our chance to beat him up. We each started kicking him, and I shot him a few times in the arms and legs. Ivy then bent down and kissed him again, stopping him from being paralysed. "Come on girls lets go, I've had my fun." Selina untied her whip from around his ankles and we walked out of the vault, each carrying a bag of money. Outside the bank the two guards still stood there, I'm surprised that they didn't run away or something. As we passed them, Harley shot them both. "Was that necessary?" I asked but she just laughed.

"That was so much fun, we should seriously do it again sometime." Ivy said excitedly as we all got into the car. It was at least 3 in the morning, and I was getting a bit tired. We drove through the city, on our way back to Jokers warehouse. We didn't tell Joker that we went out, so what will his reaction be? Personally, I don't wanna know. Selina parked halfway down the dirt road to the warehouse. She said she didn't want to go all the way, in case Joker goes crazy on them, whatever that's supposed to mean. "We'll definitely have to meet up again soon." Harley said as she closed the car door. I grabbed my back pack and got out too.Pam and Selina waved us goodbye and drove off. It took us at least five minutes to get to the warehouse, and while we were walking Harley and I just talked about our lives since we hadn't seen each other. When we got to the warehouse I noticed the purple Lamborghini wasn't parked out the front, which means Joker isn't home. Huh, I wonder where he is? Wait why do I care? Harley opened the front door and we both walked in. There were three goons sitting in the couch in the living room, one of them being Aston. Once our eyes met, his face lit up. "Maddie! Harley! Where have you been? Wait don't answer that it was all over the news." Aston jumped off the couch and ran over to me, pulling me into a hug. I stood there frozen for a bit, taking in what was happening. But I then wrapped my arms around him too. "Hear that Angel we made it on tv!" I heard Harley say excitedly. Suddenly the doors burst open, I quickly pulled away from the hug. My heart dropped when I saw who it was. Fear ran straight through me, he looked real mad. But he also looked kinda relieved. Was he glad we were back? "Oh we are so dead." Harley whispered, I'm sure to herself. I could hear him growling under his breath. "Uh, hey Mistah J." Harley tried looking innocent by smiling, but I know that wasn't working. Shivers went down my spine, I had to be prepared for what he was about to do, whatever it was he was about it do.

"My office. Now." He growled, pointing at me. I started walking towards the hallway that lead to his office, but Joker stayed exactly where he was standing. I walked down the hallways until I reached the familiar door, opening it and walking in. I left the door slightly open so I would be able to hear what was going on out there. I could hear Joker yelling at Harley, something about leaving without his permission. Then suddenly it all stopped, and the sound of heavy footsteps grew louder. I was leaning against his desk, my heart felt like it was about to rip right of my chest. The door opened to reveal a very angry clown. "Please don't take it out on Harley, it was my idea." I pleaded trying to defend my best friend. Even though the truth is that it actually was Harley's idea to go rob the bank, I had to protect her even if it meant lying. "Don't lie to me Maddie." He said with no emotion on his face, walking slowly towards me. I backed up as far against the desk as I could until he was inches away from me. I could feel his warm breath on my skin, I could hear his heart beating. A stone cold heart I imagine. Then again, he did help me when I was injured. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" He asked in a soft voice. I'm pretty sure he was trying his best to keep calm and not lash out on me. Then again I could be wrong, you can never be sure with a psychotic clown. "I um... I tried looking for you in the club, but I couldn't see you. I thought you had left us." I whispered, I don't know why though because one he was standing right in front of me and two we were the only ones in the room. "Actually, I was coming over to you to ask if you wanted to join me for a drink. But you were gone. Gone Maddie." He was gritting his teeth now, now he's getting mad. "You have no idea how worried I was. I thought maybe someone had taken you or something." His voice was shaky now. He...he was worried about me. Why? Why would he be worried about my whereabouts? "I spent the last three hours looking for you Maddie." I flinched slightly when he placed his hands on the side of my arms. It kills me that his emotions change so quickly, so all of a sudden. "Then one of my men said that they saw you on the news, that you and those stupid Sirens robbed Gotham Bank." I couldn't help but smirk at that, i was proud of that. He took his hands off my arms and placed them on his hips. "As soon as I heard that I headed straight back here, knowing this is where you'd come next." He said, laughing a little bit. "Why do you care? Why do you care if I got hurt or not? Why would you go looking for me? I'm just another worthless worker to you, right?" I asked him, looking at him in the eyes, but he refused eye contact.

His Angel // A Joker Fanfic //Where stories live. Discover now