Chapter Twenty Five - Messing With Penguin

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Joker and I got in his car and everyone else, including Harley, got in the vans. As we sped off, I asked Joker what we were doing. "So what exactly is it that we're doing?" I asked as I looked over at him, but he concentrated on the road. "We're going to have a little fun with the bird." He laughed. Oh great, we're going to go mess with another criminal of Gotham whose bad books I own. Don't judge, I to like to mess with people. A lot of them I regret, but there's nothing I can do about that now. We continued driving, and I noticed Jack looking over at me every now and then. I felt my cheeks go hotter every time he glanced. What is he doing to me? I never used to be like this. I would normally kill a guy who gave me the look that he's giving me. After a while of driving, he stopped at the docks. I'm so curious as to what we're doing. "Okay the suspense is killing me. What are we doing?" I asked as I turned to face him. "Penguin has a load of weapons coming in in about twenty minutes. We are just going to... delay the delivery." He explained, followed by his usual creepy laugh. Well this is going to be interesting. We both got out of the car and walked over to behind one of the many crates where the goons and Harley where waiting. "Alright, listen up." Joker shouted at the men. "Harley, you and the boys will distract Penguin and his men. Angel and I will get the truck with the weapons." He explained. I'm glad I'm going with him and not having to face Penguin, he would shoot my head off if he saw me. The henchmen nodded and they headed off to the other side of the docks, Harley following closely behind. Joker turned to face me with a huge smile on his face. I've actually  learned to love that smile. "Now doll face, lets go find that truck." He smiled, then started laughing again. How does he do that? Always laugh, even when something not even funny? We headed off in the opposite direction of the others.

"Ah, there it is." Jack growled as we stopped behind another crate. I looked over to where he was looking and saw men dressed in black loading boxes into a white truck. I'm guessing they're Penguin's men. "Imma make this quick and just shoot them." I said as I pulled out my gun. There were about ten of them, and I only just realised I only have eight bullets. I looked around to see if there was a way I could kill them all in one go, but nope. Then I noticed a rather large crate tied to the top of a lot smaller create with only a few ropes, and about eight of the men standing right underneath it. It won't kill all of them, but it will do. Using two bullets I shot the ropes and the crate came tumbling down on top of them. Before the other two men could react I quickly shot them both in the neck. "You never stop amazing me angel." Jack smiled as I felt his lips softly touch my cheek. "Seriously? You're amazed by that? That's nothing." I smirked as I started walking towards the truck, Jack following behind me. "So where we taking this to?" I asked as we got in the truck, me in the passenger seat and him in the driver's. "To a place where penguin won't be getting them back." He said as he started the truck and sped off. He was heading towards the water at a great speed. Oh god no. "Okay doll face, when I say so you jump out of the truck, alright." He explained. Oh god no! He going to drive us into the water, and I can't swim. We where getting really close to the edge, I had to say something. "Jack." I said nervously. "Now!" "Jack I can't swim!" I shouted as we went flying over the edge of the docks. I tried to unbuckle my seat belt, but before I could we hit the water. I looked over to Jack, but he wasn't there. I'm going to die, this is it.

~ Joker's POV~
I jumped out of the truck after Maddie shouted something. I couldn't understand what she said, and she looked to be struggling to get out of the truck. I swam up to the surface and looked around for her, but I couldn't see her anywhere. "Maddie?" I called out, but no answer. "Maddie!" Still no answer. Crap. I dove under the water and swam down to the truck. I opened the passenger door and there she was, passed out. I quickly unbuckled her and pulled her to the surface. Once I reached the surface I swam us to the bay, which luckily wasn't too far away. I pulled her onto the shore, sat down placing her on my lap and checked her pulse. Nothing. Crap. Without hesitation I brought my lips to hers and gave her mouth-to-mouth. Suddenly a cough escaped her mouth, and she quickly sat up opening her eyes. I gently laid her back down and tried to calm her. She almost died. I almost just lost my angel for my wreak less behavior. I'm so stupid! I don't know what I would do if I had lost her, kill my self probably. I couldn't live without her, no way. What is she doing to me? I usually couldn't give two shits about someone. But she...she's done something to me. She's changed me. Whenever she's around I feel... something strange. Something I haven't felt in a long time. I don't want to admit it, but I think that feeling "Jack?" She whispered, coughing a bit. "It's alright baby, I'm here." I coo as I stroke her hair. She's so delicate, yet so dangerous. She's definitely done something to me. She makes me crazy... well, crazier than I already am. "Why didn't you tell me you couldn't swim?" I asked as she sat up. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. She is so cold. "I don't know." She whispered, resting her head on my shoulder. We sat there in silence, her body shivering against mine. "Thank you." She whispered, looking up at me. I chuckled softly and kissed her forehead. "You scared me Maddie." I sighed as I tucked a bit of her hair behind her ear. "Can we go home now?" She asked as I nodded. Home. I've never really called it that, mainly because it isn't really a proper home. One day I plan to build a mansion, just for the two of us. That is if she stays with me. Once I've finished my so called plan, she said she was going to leave. To be honest, I'm not sure if I would even let her leave. I care about her too much to let her go. But I doubt she feels the same way about me. How could she? I'm a monster, she said so herself. She could never feel the way I do about her.

~ Angel's POV ~

We got back to the warehouse about an hour ago. I came straight up to my room, changed into my pyjamas and jumped onto my bed. What Jack did today still hasn't left my mind. He saved me. Yes it was because of him that I needed saving, but he still did it. He could have easily left me in that truck to die, but no. He really does care, doesn't he. And I care too. Over the past month or so, Jack has really changed me. For better and for worse. And I know I've changed him too. I know he wouldn't usually act the way he does around me with other people. A sudden knock at my door brought me out of my thoughts. "Um, come in." I called to whoever it was. The door opened and Aston walked in, his face all bloody. "Aston are you okay?" I asked as I got out of bed and walked over to him. He chuckled softly, then pulled me in for a kiss. The kiss lasted for a bit until he pulled away. "Yea Maddie I'm okay, are you?" He asked as he brushed some hair out of my face. How did he know what happened? Did Jack tell him? Surely not, he would keep something like that to himself. "How do you-" "I saw Joker drive the truck off the docks. I remembered you can't swim, unlike him." He mumbled the last part. "Hey it's not his fault, he didn't know." I explained as I walked back over to my bed and sat down, Aston following. "Well he should know." He said, raising his voice slightly. I heard my door creak slightly, I looked over at it but it was still as before. "It was an accident Aston." I sighed, trying to defend Jack. What does Aston have against him? I mean yea he's the Joker and all, but still. "And how do you know that? How do you know that it was an accident? What if he purposely tried to kill you? It definitely sounds like something he would do. I would know, I've worked for him a lot longer than you have." He said, pacing around in front of me. I hate to admit it but he does have a point. It does sound like something the Joker would do. But it doesn't sound like something Jack would do. "I guess you're right." I sighed. I didn't know what else to say. I didn't want to start an argument with him. "He's hurt you so many times before, what makes this any different?" He asked as he planted a kiss on my head. Whenever Aston kisses me it feels different to when Jack does. There's no spark with Aston, but there's fireworks with Jack. "I just don't want to loose you Maddie, I love you too much." He smiled down at me. Suddenly my bedroom door slammed shut and the sound of loud footsteps could be heard stomping down the stairs. Oh god, was that Jack? Was he listening to that whole conversation? With my luck it probably was. Yea I'm screwed.

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