Chapter Forty - Dancing With The Devil

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I saw absolutely no sign of the Joker, nothing at all. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath and shinny black dress shoes. Only thing is his hair is coloured brown and his skin is covered in foundation, making him look completely normal. Though he did a pretty rough job on his hair, I can still see a bit of green. His appearance took me by surprise, I wonder if this is what he looked like before he became the Joker? I slowly walked down the stairs, not taking my eyes off him, until I got to right in front of him. I looked down at my feet and shuffled them a bit, he then held my hands in his and I looked back up at him. "You look beautiful Angel." He whispered, a small smile spread across my face and I blushed slightly. "Lets go." We turned and headed towards the door. I glanced down at our hands and noticed he had the ring on that I gave him. Wow he's actually wearing it, I didn't think he would. Parked out the front was an ordinary black car, I wonder why we're going in this and not the Lamborghini? He opened the door for me and I got in, he quickly walked around the front of the car and got in. "So what's with the new look?" I asked as he started the car. "I want this date to be perfect, and I don't want to ruin it." He smiled over at me, rubbing my thigh with his hand. "And technically it's an old look." He added before we drove off. So that is what he looked like before he became the Joker.

We drove through Gotham at a normal speed, no reckless driving or anything. I could feel him glance over at me every now and then, which made me blush every time he did. After a while we pulled up in front of what looks to be Gotham's fanciest restaurant. Jack quickly got out and before I could he ran around and opened the door for me, helping me out. He laced his fingers with mine and we headed to the entrance of the restaurant. We walked in and Jack lead me over to the table reserved for us. "I bet it cost a fortune to make a reservation for this place." I said as I sat down, Jack pushing the seat in for me. "Not really, not after I got my men to rob a bank for me a couple of days ago." He chuckled, sitting down across form me. I smirked and rolled my eyes, I'm not surprised about that. We both ordered our food, I got a bowl of spaghetti and Jack got a roast steak with salad, and a bottle of white wine for us to share. "I noticed you're still wearing the necklace i gave you." Jack said once the waitress walked away. "I haven't taken it off since i got it. I noticed you're still wearing the ring i gave you." I smiled, looking down at the necklace around my neck. "Angel I never plan on taking this off." Well i'm glad he likes it. We sat there talking for a bit until our food came. I have never seen or tasted food so fancy, i guess cause i'd never be able to afford it. And the wine tasted so good. Once we were done the same waitress came back and took our plates and glasses. "So Harley convinced you to finally wear a dress and make up huh?" Jack said with a slight raised eyebrow and a small smirk. "Well it was either this or a jumper and jeans, and i don't think that would have been appropriate for this place." I chuckled, tucking a bit of loose hair behind my ear. "You'd still look beautiful either way." He smiled, making me blush real hard.

Suddenly Jack stood up and walked around to me. "Come on doll, let's go." He said, untucking my chair. I stood up and followed him out the door, suddenly realising he didn't pay. "Jack." "I'll send them a bill okay." I chuckled at his response. He reached down and grabbed my hand again and lead us back to the car. We got in and headed of the opposite direction of home? What? "Uh Jack, home's the other way." I stated, turning to look out the back window. "Yea I'm quite aware of that Angel, we're not going home quite yet." He chuckled. After a bit of driving i realised we are heading to the docs. We parked over in the shadows and headed over towards one of the crates by the water. We climbed up on top of it, well Jack climbed and i flew, and stared out at the view. You wouldn't think of it but the view of Gotham City from the docs is amazing. Jack entwined our fingers together, then suddenly twirled me around. "What are you doing?" I chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Dancing with the devil." He smirked down at me. We danced around in the moonlight to silent music for a bit, until Jack pulled me into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled under the kiss. He then pulled away and looked down at me with lust in his eyes. "I love you Maddison."

I was absolutely blown away at what he just said. Did he just say those three words to me?! Did the Joker actually just say that to me?! He did, he actually did! "I love you too Jack." I smiled up at him. "Maddie I've been in love with you since the first day I met you, and I've wanted to tell you every day since. But I just... I just doubted that you, the most incredible and most beautiful person in this horrible world, could ever learn to love a monster like me." He said as he gently caressed my cheek. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into a kiss, running my hands through his hair. He pulled me even closer to him, if that's even possible, and passionately kissed back. Small moans escaped our lips as we stood there taking each other in. We eventually pulled away and I pulled him into a hug, him then doing the same. "You know, you're not a monster. I may have said you were at first, but you're not now." I whispered into his ear. He pulled back and smiled down at me, genuinely. Jack opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a voice down in the ground. "Well well well, look who we have here. The Devil and the Clown" We both looked down at the direction of the voice, and I instantly cursed myself when I saw who was down there. Isaac and Wesley Hunters, the twin mobsters who work for Falcone . "Friends of yours?" Jack asked jokingly. We both unwrapped our arms around each other and jumped down to the ground, me eyeing the guns in their hands the whole time. I knew robbing Falcone would one day bite me in the ass. "Hi boys, long time no see." I said, sounding as casual and calm as possible, which wasn't very hard. Honestly I'm not shocked by this, I'm quite used to mobsters coming after me, since I'm known to give them a major headache and an empty safe. "Shut it!" Isaac shouted at me. "Ya know, boss said he'd pay a big price for you. $10,000,000 dead, $20,000,000 alive." Wesley smirked as he pointed his gun at my head. I am mentally slapping myself right now. Of all nights they had to ruin this one! "Or option C, neither." I said as I went to draw my... gun? Crap I didn't bring one. I looked over at Jack who was searching around in his pockets, no gun either. Ah shit.

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