Chapter 8

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“So… see you tomorrow?” I asked as I waved goodbye to both girls. They nodded and waved back, and each of us took a different direction.

“Wait!” I heard the same voice as this morning call. This time I stopped and turned around. Yeah, he was calling me.

When I turned around I found this tall boy trotting over to me. He was smiling. It was a weird smile, but it was warm though. He was cute wasn’t he? He had a hair like Ashton’s. Not as curly and not as long, but it was more or less the same style.

“Hey! I’ve been waiting for you since early in the morning.” He said with a tough British accent. Fuck… The accent…

“Oh…” That was all I was able to say. Damn it --------! Say something or he’ll think you’re weird. “Why was that?”

“This fell from your book.” He said handing me the same paper I hadn’t want to show Luke the day before. I had to talk to Luke.

“Thank you.” I smiled and put the paper back into my book.

“Are you in arts? I mean, do you paint? That drawing was good.” He said rubbing the back of his neck.

“No, I’m studying Engineering Science.” I said feeling a little awkward about him seeing my drawing. “Are you studying here?”

“Kind of… Drama.” He shrugged his shoulder. “I guess you have better marks than I do.”

“Well... taking into account that you’ve been waiting for me instead of going to class, I understand why.” I giggled and he joined me.

“Touché.” He said. “I’m Freddie Highmore.” He said offering his hand. I shook it firmly.

“I’m ----------- -------------.” I said.

“That name rings a bell…” Freddie said.

“Yeah, well, maybe you heard it on the radio long ago… like… around May?” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“On the radio?” He asked.

“Yeah, well… long story.” I didn’t feel like explaining everything.

“I have time. Do you want to have a coffee?” He asked. “Well, I’d rather have a tea.” So English… We both laughed again.

“I have to leave at 4, but it’s ok.” I said and smiled wide.


We arrived to the closest café, and by that time I had already told him who Luke was and a summary of what had happened.

“Wow… he sounds like a jerk.” Freddie said. I nodded, but somehow I knew Luke wasn’t and it hurt that someone called him that.

“He can be sweet, but it doesn’t work.” I sighed as we sat down on an empty spot. “What about you?”

“What about me?” He asked.

“Yeah, I mean, you know about my last love. Tell me about you.”

“Well… I’ve had girlfriends, but nothing serious. Although that is what I’ve always looked for.” He said shrugging his shoulders. He smiled lightly and his eyes looked into mine. My stomach hurt. What the hell was that? Ok.

“Well, you’ll find one for sure.” I answered and smiled.

“I hope so.” He said looking over to me and smiling wider. Ok, I was feeling butterflies in my stomach. It felt weird. He looked around to order something, but I could only look into his eyes.


*play the song on the right* (

We had been talking for almost one hour. Freddie was a great guy. I wish we could hang out some day. A familiar song started playing on the background and I smiled as I started mumbling the lyrics. It reminded me of the times everything felt right with Luke, but at the same time I remembered that although it felt right, it just wasn’t. Everything had fallen down on me, and I had been able to do nothing about it. Well… I was lying. I had been able to do way too much and I hadn’t done anything. Was that my fault then? Ugh… I didn’t want to think about that then. I focused again on the lyrics. Now I was there with Freddie.

Elle est entré dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause

C'est elle pour moi
Moi pour elle dans la vie
Elle me l'a dit, l'a juré pour sa vie

She has entered into my heart
A piece of happiness
the cause of which I know full well.

It's her for me, me for her in life
She said that to me, swore to me on her life.

“I love this song…” I said as I started thinking again about what it said. It was French, but if you searched a little you could easily find the translated lyrics. I could see Freddie focusing on it.

“I don’t understand a thing.” He laughed.

“It’s a cheesy love song.” I laughed back. “It’s not the original one though.”

“Which one sounds better?” He asked.

“I don’t know… I love vinyls… I have the original one in a vinyl at home.” I said and reminded myself that I had to start leaving for work. “Do you wanna come over?”

“Yeah, sure.” He said as we got up and left.


Hope you're enjoying! :) i have the next chapter written! i'll update soon because they are both short chapters!! xx <3 :) ilsym 

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