Chapter 17

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“I know that you’ve been with another girl, Luke.” I dryly answered.

“Oh, yeah, I needed to tell you that.” He said like if it wasn’t important at all.

“Yeah? You needed to tell me that?” I asked about to walk away before his hand grabbed my arm.

“Stop running away from me, -----------. Every time we have a problem you walk away, move to another country or do whatever it takes not to face me. Let me explain before you make a decision for once!” He said and as his blue eyes matched my grey ones, I knew it was true. I nodded and sat on the hammock, while my chest didn’t seem to stop hurting. “Thank you.”

“Before going to London the last time, I went to visit Laura, because she was going through a bad time, and she felt like a weight for Ashton. She wanted to let him go. So I went to visit her, because I was really worried about her. I don’t want anybody to end like Lilly did. It was enough once. I found her crying, so I sat on her bed and hugged her tight. She was suffering. She felt like she was just making everyone around suffer. I just sat next to her, and listened to what she had to say before telling her she was completely wrong. When I finished telling her that, she kissed me. I didn’t pull away not because I liked her, but because I knew she was going through a struggle and I didn’t want to make her feel worse. That I didn’t pull away doesn’t mean that I kissed back. Then she automatically assumed that we were more than friends, and the next day we left to London.” So… the girl was Laura? Now I understood the tension that Ashton felt with Luke…

“Continue.” I nodded still not looking into his eyes. I was feeling relieved somehow, but at the same time I imagined Laura kissing Luke, and it hurt.

“So the day I left you, I told you that you were the one who had to fix things with Freddie, but I was the one who had to talk with Laura. I needed to tell her that I didn’t want to have anything with her but a friendship. So the day I came back from London I met her at the park, and I told her the truth. She understood, although at the beginning she felt like a little piece of shit, but she didn’t take long to understand that I loved you, ----------. I still do.”

Everything was mixed up in my head. Laura was going through a bad time… why was she feeling like that? Luke just wanted to help her, but he didn’t mean what happened and as soon as he could, he told her. For the first time since I met Luke, I was relieved that I had listened to him. I had been paranoid about a thing that didn’t really matter. He had done it so Laura didn’t feel bad, and he did love me. I couldn’t think at all, but before I knew, I felt Luke’s lips working against mine. They matched, like they always did.

“So you are not mad?” He asked when we pulled away.

“I am a little bit jealous… but not mad.” I smiled and looked to the few rays of light left. It was almost dark.

“Jealous?” He didn’t understand.

“Yeah… I mean… I cannot bear imagining you with another girl…” I tried to explain, and it was then when Freddie came to my mind.

“I’m the one who should be jealous…” He whispered. “So what about Freddie?”

“We’re friends. We’ve been going on dates, and he says he loves me, but everything is just complicated.” I explained not really knowing what to say.

“Oh…” Luke just said. I knew he didn’t like that I had been going on dates with Freddie for three months. Freddie was good for me, cute, tall, nice, funny, hot, intelligent… And Luke was the intelligent, cute, tall, nice, funny, hot guy who broke me up every time.

“I think I don’t love him though…” I whispered. I should have thought that? Why had I said it out loud?

“You don’t?” Luke asked and his eyes shone bright.

“There’s not the passion we had Luke… but I don’t really know if it was just the passion we had or that I really like you, that brings me back to you.” I said not looking at him. We stayed quiet for some minutes.

“I have an idea!” Luke said and turned me to face him.

“What?” I giggled finding him extremely close. My heartbeat was faster then, and I couldn’t control it.

“We are gonna do the 7-days-date-marathon-challenge!” He said kissing my nose. I blushed a little bit confused about the term.

“The 7-days-date-marathon-challenge?” I asked.

“Yes! I’m gonna take you on 7 dates, during this whole week. 7 days, 7 dates. If you like me again, I win. Well, we both win! If you don’t like me or end up hating me, I lose, and you’ll try again with Freddie.” He explained. I smiled and bit my lip. Luke had such childish ideas.

I couldn’t lose anything. I liked him, but there was always too much pain involved. Well, not at the beginning though. Maybe some day we could be the same as then. Who knew?



Ready for the 7-days-date-marathon-challenge!??!?!  I cannot wait to have a little more time and write all the time!! sorry i won't have much time to write during the week! tough exams coming soon :-( ilysm xx <3

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