First day!!

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It was really early in the morning, all the bladers are sleeping peacefully, well...... not for long.

Yukaina : Hello there everyone! Well welcome back to Beyblade Truth or Dare. It's me your host, Yukaina and here is Dark Tsubasa, say hello Dark Tsu.

Dark Tsubasa : Sup! And don't call me that.

Yukaina : Whatever, now would you do the honour of waking them up with the fire siren?

Dark Tsubasa : With pleasure* smirks and press a button *


Everyone jolt up of their bed

Ginka : There's fire?! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!AAAHHHHH!!!

Everyone else : Aaaahhhhh!!!!

Yukaina and Dark Tsubasa : Ahahahaahahahahah!!*uncontrollable laughter*

Yukaina : C-calm down g-guys * laugh* T-here is n-no fire *laugh*

Everyone else: WHAT?!

Dark Tsubasa : You should see the look on your faces! Priceless!! *laughter*

kyoya : Why you *beep**beep**beeeeeeeeep*!!!!!!

Tsubasa covers Yu's ears while glaring at the lion-wanna-be teen.

Yukaina : Petra, Glace, Adelaide.

The three : yes, my lady?

Yukaina : Take these 'guests' to the dinning room for Breakfast then bring them back here.

The three : As you wish, my lady

Timeskip to Showtime

Yukaina : Are you all ready?

Them : *gulps*

Ryuga : I think I'm gonna die today....

kyoya : same here

Yukaina : Good, if you didn't die then your pride and fame will.

Ryuga : Just kill me already

Yukaina : Well....nobody sent in any dares or truths ....

Ginka : Really?! Thank God!!

Yukaina : Which means I'm the one who is going to give you guys~

Hyoma : can this day get any worse.....

Yukaina : The first one is....*picks a card with a name on it*......Yu!

Yu : Aw man!

Yukaina : I dare you to pour a bucket of chocolate milk on Ryuga's head!* snaps and a bucket of chocolate milk appear with a stool for Yu to climb on*

Yu : Yippee!! *stands on the stool while holding the bucket*

Ryuga : I swear you do that I'LL KILL YOU!!

Yukaina : I don't think so~

Ryuga suddenly felt something poking his shoulder, there stood Dark Tsubasa with a sledge hammer ready to strike him if he hurt the boy.

Ryuga : Grrr....

Yu pours the chocolate milk. Everyone else burst into laughter.

Ryuga : When I get back L-Drago you are so gonna be sorry as *beep*

Yukaina : Ryuga you're gonna have to control your language, you too Kyoya and Dark Tsu. we have kids here.

The three : FINE!

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