A long day ahead of us!!

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The bladers already are having breakfast. Kyoya is waiting unpatiently for Hikaru.

Kyoya : ugghhh! Where is she?!


Hikaru: I have to do what?!

Akairu: Hey, its kinda easy and good for you, Cheery Perry said I and you had to switch places for the whole episode today. You get to dodge dares! And I have to do them! It stinks for me!

Hikaru: I don't know...

Akairu: *Worries* Please Hikaru, just change with me!

Hikaru : Are you sure you want to be me? what if something bad happens?

Akairu: Then I'll just deal with it, You know that I'll have to destroy Aquario if you don't do this, and you can't tell anyone about this

Hikaru : *sigh* fine

With them~

The Hasama twins enter the room. Hikaru is fidgeting with her skirt. Akairu looked annoyed. Hikaru sits next to Kyoya and Akairu sits next to her.

Kyoya: Hiky, Why are you so late?

Hikaru: Err....my hair is playing tricks on me!

Kyoya : Now that you mention it.. your hair look longer that usual

Hikaru: Oh yeah? *sweat nervously*

Akairu : Its hair, it can grow

Hikaru: *whispers to Akairu* Thanks sis

Yu: Kyo-yo is such a dummie

Tithi : That's right! That's right!

Kyoya: *death glare*

Tithi: Um....has anyone seen Dynamis?

Ginka: No

Madoka: I wonder where he ran off to?

All of them head for the Flimming room. But when they walk through the hallway to the room.....

Tsubasa: Hey, did you guys hear that?

Masamune: Yea....

Madoka: What is that noise?

Tithi : I want Dynamis!

Yu : Its okay, I'm here *hugs Tithi*

Kyoya: Shh, Its coming from that room

Tsubasa: Hold on, that's the room me and Yu- *covers mouth, blush*

Yu : *blush*

Kyoya: *opens the door, widen eyes and blush*

Everyone else: *saw, blush*

Yu : *covers Tithi's eyes*

Ryuga : *covers Kenta's eyes*

Dynamis and Yukaina are in the room making out. Dynmais had Yukaina pinned to the bed kissing her, while Yukaina is moaning a bit too loudly. It took the pair 3 seconds to realize that they're not alone and a lot of eyes are on them. Dynamis quickly got up and so did Yukaina, both had tomato red faces. Hikaru remembering that she was suppose to be her twin start to tease.

Akairu: Aww, and you said there's nothing going on between you two~

Yukaina: S-Shut up

Dynamis : *facing the floor*

Tithi: so those this means Dynamis going to marry Yukie? Yay! I've always wanted a sister like Yukie!

Everyone but the two: *WTF face at Tithi*

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